The Germinder20 Power of Pink Celebration Concludes at VMX2019


Dr. C. Thomas Nelson Final Veterinarian to Receive Honor + Designate Donation to Benefit Ecotourism + Wellness

Sharing Stories, Honoree Donations Highlight of the Program

Pink it was and how powerful it is. Germinder + Associates, concludes the celebration of its 20th anniversary where it began last year at VMX Meeting & Expo with the announcement of the final list of Germinder20 Power of Pink Honorees, their stories and donations. Dr. C. Thomas Nelson, a heartworm expert and community volunteer, is the final veterinarian to receive the honor. A total of 22 women and men including a VMX executive, the first woman president of the AVMA, board-certified veterinarians, physicians, communications experts, journalists, and digital experts were among those honored. A total of 21 organizations designated by Honorees and Germinder + Associates benefited from the program. #Germinder20 #PowerofPink

“I applaud the Honorees for their achievements and the amazing organizations receiving donations as we conclude our 20th anniversary celebration where it began. It was my distinct honor and privilege to share many of their stories and represent the scope of clients, team members, experts, colleagues and partners that make an agency a success and at the same time help others. These people empower me still. Storytelling works,” said Lea-Ann Germinder, APR, Fellow, PRSA, President + Founder of Germinder + Associates.

Germinder + Associates has contributed to a number of initiatives over the past twenty years through both in-kind and funds through the Germinder Giving Back program. The Germinder20 Power of Pink Honoree Program was a special 20th Anniversary project honoring individuals who had been a part of Germinder’s success but have also been successful in their own fields. New programs will be announced as partnerships and funds become available.

“This has been an inspiring year and yearlong event. The point it brings home is live your personal dream to “move the needle” on the goal that inspires you. My certainty is that it will inspire our profession and others to do just that. We all work so hard! This focus is such a gift to remind us all to care deeply and act on our conviction that we can make a difference,” said Elizabeth J. Colleran DVM, MS, DABVP-Feline Specialty, Germinder20 Power of Pink Honoree.

Following is the complete list of Honorees and donations by category.

Veterinarian Honorees + Designated Donations

C. Thomas Nelson, DVM designated his Honoree donation to the Northeast Alabama Bicycle Association Building Fund to renovate a building to aid in ecotourism and wellness programming.

Susan Little, DVM, DABVP designated her Honoree donation to the Winn Feline Foundation to aid in feline research.

Arne Zislin, VMD, MBA designated his Honoree donation to International and Immigrant Student Services (IISS) at Johnson County Community College (JCCC) to help international students in crisis.

Guy Pidgeon, DVM, DACVIM designated his Honoree donation to Colorado State College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship Fund to help veterinary students with their debt load.

Mary Beth Leininger, DVM designated her Honoree donation to Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship Fund to help veterinary students with their debt load.

Dan Richardson, DVM, DACVS designated his Honoree donation to Stormont-Vail Foundation Care Line to help cancer patients in need.

Elizabeth Colleran, DVM, MS, DABVP designated her Honoree donation to the Winn Feline Foundation to aid in feline research.

Heidi Lobprise, DVM, DAVDS designated her Honoree donation to the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dogs who interact with people who are suffering and in need.

Debra Horwitz, DVM, DACVB designated her Honoree donation to the Missouri Humane Society.

VMX Executive & Digital Expert Honoree + Designated Donation

Manolita Moore, MBA designated her Honoree donation to The Pixel Fund to help shelter pets.

Journalist Honorees + Designated Donations

Jen Reeder designated her Honoree donation to Green Dogs Unleashed to help rescue, rehabilitate and train therapy dogs.

Amy Shojai designated her Honoree donation to the Cat Writers’ Association to assist CWA in helping feline writers educate the public.

A Germinder donation was made to the News Literacy Project to teach students to think critically and independently about news and information as producers, as members of the community and as citizens.

Communications Honorees + Designated Donations

Julie Lux designated her Honoree donation to the American Beagle Rescue Network to help rescue beagles and to the Dalmatian Club of America Foundation to aid in canine research.

Norita Taylor, APR designated her Honoree donation to Band of Angels to help children in need access musical instruments.

Megan Peters designated her Honoree donation to KC Pet Project to help shelter pets.

Lane Odle designated her Honoree donation to Sunflower House to aid in children’s advocacy and protection from abuse

Other Special Honorees + Donations

Gene Melleno honored with donation to the Clara Goy Foundation to aid in cancer research.

Rache Simmons, MD honored with donation to the Weill Cornell Breast Center at Weill Cornell Medical College/New York Presbyterian Hospital to aid in breast cancer research.

Orli R. Etingin, MD honored with donation to the Daedalus Fund for Innovation, Weill Cornell Medical College for medical education and research.

Louis J. Aronne, MD honored with donation to the Daedalus Fund for Innovation, Weill Cornell Medical College for medical education and research.

Marie Therese Kacin honored with donation to the Jan Hus Community Outreach Program to assist in community outreach.

Thomas O’Hare honored with donation to the Lymphoma Research Foundation.


#Germinder20 #ThePowerofPink was announced in January 2018 as part of the celebration of Germinder’s 20thAnniversary. The storytelling initiative highlights the founder’s story of breast cancer survivorship and also shines a spotlight on leaders whose stories have touched and inspired Germinder to success.

Germinder + Associates provides communications services for the pet/vet sectors and other niche industries. The woman-owned company was founded by Lea-Ann O’Hare Germinder, APR, Fellow PRSA in Kansas City and has offices in New York City and Kansas City. The company connects and consults with executives in both established companies and organizations interested in entering the vet and pet industries in the U.S.™ combines an award-winning website and social media channels to curate news of interest and importance to pet parents, veterinary professionals and the pet industry. Editorial, contests, sponsored content distribution and advertising are available.

GNFP Digital™ provides a wide range of digital services including digital audits, standard or custom infographics, topic specific modules and branded content implementation. The custom digital content development and distribution services are offered for national brands, veterinary practices and other niche markets.


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