“Matilda, The Algonquin Cat” is a picture book about the life of Matilda, the feline-in-residence since 1932 at the legendary…
Be a Hero to Dogs Young and Old at Your Local Shelter Each October, American Humane, the country’s first national…
Come, sit, stay, and celebrate Central Park and its dog community! Tails will be wagging as the Central Park Conservancy…
American Humane President and CEO Dr. Robin Ganzert to Address Second World Animal Welfare Congress in Mexico City on New…
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is celebrating the 10th anniversary of World Rabies Day on September 28 by urging…
Our Happy Cat Month celebration continues with week four focusing on how to keep your cat feeling happy and valued as…
The International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management (IVAPM) is excited to celebrate Animal Pain Awareness Month with veterinary professionals around…
Pet Leadership Council and Human Animal Bond Research Initiative Host Pet Night on Capitol Hill The Human Animal Bond Research…
As pet owners, we face many dilemmas during the lifespan of our furry friends. The bulk of those are health…
Public Vote to Decide Winner of 8th Annual Hambone Award® from Nationwide After reviewing nearly 1.5 million pet insurance claims…