Sandy Weinstein of Wake Forest, NC is the lucky winner of the Goodnewsforpets 20th Anniversary Charmed by the Love Seventh…
Browsing: Contest

As we continue our Charmed by the Love contest series, we hear more wonderful stories about rescue animals getting adopted…
It’s a fantastic combination! Welcome to partner ThunderWorks! This fifth Goodnewsforpets 20th Anniversary Charmed by the Love contest opens during…
The winner of our fourth and latest Charmed by the Love contest, Dina Lindquist, chose The Catfé Lounge to receive…
It’s the time of year where June brings both hot weather and amazing stories of new-founded members to families all…
Christina Rabadan of Scottsdale, GA (a.k.a. @Confessionsofacrazycatlady) and Angels Among Us Pet Rescue are the winners of the second Charmed…

Are you ready to be charmed? If so, registration is open for the Charmed by the Love of A Labrador… Heart-Paw Charms and ACVB Behavior Training Books Featured Are you charmed by the love of your pet? Do you…
Amanda Zdimal of Endwell, NY and her feline buddy Django are the next winners of the “Purrfect Summer Savings…
Yes, it is indeed a time of celebrations. This week may be our nation’s birthday, but just a week…