With both the general news and the Twittersphere focused on analyzing political news on Twitter – is it real or…
Monthly Archives: March, 2017

American Humane Celebrating the Holiday by Opening Nominations for Annual American Humane Lois Pope LIFE K-9 Medal of Courage Awards…

The American Kennel Club (AKC®), the world’s largest dog registry and leading authority and advocate for dogs, and the AKC…

New study finds that pets promote social skills and self-esteem in children Growing up with a pet can bring social,…

Veterinarian-Prescribed Wearable Pet Vetrax™ Monitor Communicates What Dogs Can’t VetraxTM helps veterinarians maximize the effectiveness of health care programs for dogs.…

Q: Where is the prestigious Dog Writer’s Maxwell Medallion made? A: Kentucky. Read the full story about the inspiration and…

Jen Reeder is a national award-winning freelance journalist who specializes in pet and lifestyle features. Reeder was just announced as the…
Jen Reeder is a freelance journalist who specializes in pet and lifestyle features. Her first job writing about animals was…
Now your veterinarian can help extend pain relief after your dog’s cranial cruciate ligament surgery. All surgical procedures result in…
Recently-FDA-approved ENTYCE® provides safe, effective appetite stimulation. Product will be available to pet owners in late-2017. Aratana’s ENTYCE® (capromorelin oral…