PIDA Reintroduces “The Power of D®” at Global Pet Expo


The Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA) unveiled an updated marketing program at the 2017 Global Pet Expo built around the theme of “The Power of D, Growth through Distribution”.

Originally introduced more than a decade ago, the revitalized program features a new Power of D brochure and accompanying videos available on a new website,  All are designed to help PIDA members explain the value that wholesaler-distributors bring to the pet product channel.

PIDA logoThe initial focus of the program is on the manufacturer-distributor relationship. It helps manufacturers that are new to the pet industry or that haven’t worked through distributors before to better understand their value proposition. The brochure uses simple infographics to demonstrate:

  • The Power of Effective Distribution
  • Setting Up a Distribution Network
  • Getting Products to Market Efficiently, and
  • The Marketing Partnership

“Hundreds of new companies enter the pet industry every year,” noted PIDA President Steve King, “and many don’t have the first clue about working with distributors or setting up a distribution network. The Power of D materials are designed as a primer for manufacturers seeking to understand the relationship and how distributors can be the key to their success in the pet specialty channel.”

Additional materials will be rolled out in the months to come. Videos featuring interviews with leading distributors, articles and case studies are available now on the Power of D website at

PIDA has represented the interests of pet product distributors since 1968.  The mission of PIDA is to enhance the well-being of the wholesaler-distributor, to promote partnerships with their suppliers and customers and to work cooperatively with other organizations in fostering the human-companion animal bond.


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