Q: What famous voice will you hear accept the 2017 Dog Writers Hall of Fame Award this year?


A. Many illustrious names have been inducted into the Dog Writers Association of America Hall of Fame, but arguably the most famous voice belongs to David Frei, the 2017 Hall of Fame Inductee for outstanding contributions to the field.

david frei

David Frei with Angel and Grace at National Dog Show 2015

You’ll get to hear him accept the award on February 10, 2018 at the DWAA Awards Banquet at the Hotel New Yorker in Manhattan. Tickets for the DWAA annual banquet are available at dogwriters.org/event.

What makes his voice so famous? Frei has reached millions over the years through his media work and compelling story-telling about dogs. He is the NBC co-host of The National Dog Show presented by Purina on Thanksgiving Day and the Beverly Hills Dog Show presented by Purina, and the former voice of the Westminster Kennel Club from 1990-2017. Read more about David Frei and the Dog Writers Association of America here.


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