DWAA Sponsors Recognize Pet Writing Niches at Annual Banquet


Want creative ideas on writing topics that may just earn you serious cash next year? Want to hear from legends in the dog world? If so, come to the Dog Writers Association of America awards banquet on February 10, 2018 at the Hotel New Yorker in New York City. Tickets to the DWAA awards banquet are still available online at DogWriters.org/event.

In addition to giving out the special awards, the DWAA will induct award-winning author, philanthropist and dog show host David Frei into its Hall of Fame. Other speakers include Dr. Marty Becker, a.k.a. “America’s Veterinarian,” and Laura T. Coffey, bestselling author of My Old Dog: Rescued Pets with Remarkable Second Acts. Award winners will accept their Maxwell Medallions and a total of $14,000 in prize money.

dog writers association of american dwaa logo germinder goodnewsforpetsSpecial awards cover a wide range of topics about dogs. For instance, there’s no mistaking the impact of fashion reality TV shows like “Project Runway” on pop culture, but now there’s solid recognition that pet fashion can enhance the connection between people and the pets they love.

The International Association of Pet Fashion Professionals sponsored a new special award for submissions that demonstrate the enhanced bond and connection between humans and their dog(s) through pet fashion: The International Association of Pet Fashion Professionals Pet Fashion Award. The award consists of a $350 cash grant.

 Katy Cable was the winner for “Roxy, Bono & Blue…The Pupstars of Pomona.”

“I am honored and thrilled to have received this award! I wish to thank Laurren Darr and the International Association of Pet Fashion Professionals for recognizing my work. This was such a heartwarming piece to do. There is nothing I love more than fashion and dogs who also embrace the joy it brings,” said Katy Cable of The Weekly Runt.

Bella in her toy car. Photo Credit: Laurren Darr, DWAA Award Sponsor

Laurren Darr, founder of the International Association of Pet Fashion Professionals, said she is pleased her organization decided to sponsor the award for the first time this year – and with the winning entry.

“I’m elated for Katy to win this award for her article. She clearly portrays the close bonds created with pets through pet fashion, which is the reason we created the award,” Darr said.

DWAA President Jen Reeder said she is grateful to Darr and all the sponsors of special awards, which include:

  • The Fear Free Pets Award
  • Fear Free Dog Enrichment Award
  • AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Public Service Award
  • Dogwise Best Book Award
  • The Canine Scribbles Award
  • The Ceva Heartworm Prevention Award
  • The GNFP Digital Online Article Award
  • AKC Microchipping Awareness Award
  • International Association of Pet Fashion Professionals Pet Fashion Award
  • AKC Club Publication Excellence Award
  • The Morris Animal Foundation Canine Health Award
  • DWAA Robert H. McKowen Memorial Friends of Rescue Award
  • The PSI Professional Pet Care Award
  • The Take Your Dog Award
  • The Walter R. Fletcher Memorial Award
  • AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy and Canine Good Citizen Award
  • DWAA Junior Writer Award
  • James Colasanti, Jr. Poetry Award
  • The Captain William Lewis Judy Award
  • The Captain Haggerty Award for Best Training Book or Article
  • The Harrison Stephens Inspirational Feature Award
  • DWAA Distinguished Service Award

“It’s amazing to see such strong support for the dog writing community and for our organization,” Reeder said. “On February 10, we’ll be giving away $14,000 in prizes to outstanding writers thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. It makes me so proud to be part of DWAA!”

For more information or to purchase tickets to the banquet, visit: DogWriters.org/event.

About DWAA

The Dog Writers Association of America is the most recognized professional writing association devoted to dogs. Founded in 1935, the DWAA has grown from eight founders to over 500 members, including journalists, authors, bloggers, publicists, photographers, illustrators and media personalities. Under the umbrella of the human-canine bond, members cover dog competitions, health, training, rescue, pet fashion, veterinary research, working dog organizations, animal welfare legislation, fundraisers and many other topics. For more information, visit: dogwriters.org.

Media Contacts

Jen Reeder
Lea-Ann O’Hare Germinder, APR Fellow PRSA
917-334-8682 or 212-367-2170


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