Dog Writers Announces 2015 Writing Competition Nominees


-Winners Will Be Announced At Banquet Luncheon-

(New York – January 11, 2016) – The Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA) has announced the 2015 Writing Competition Nominees. Below is a complete list of the Regular Category Nominees. Regular Category Winners and Special Award Winners will be announced at the DWAA banquet on February 14, 2016 at the Pennsylvania Hotel in New York City. The event precedes the annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

New this year is a writing seminar preceding the banquet luncheon. The seminar is entitled, “The New Journalism of Dog Writing – How to Get Yourself Published in the 21st Century” and will be held from 8:00 a.m. to noon followed by the ever-popular scheduled editor/agent appointments. The luncheon begins at 1:00 p.m. with the awards ceremony starting at 2:00 p.m. Attendees may attend all or individual events.

To register for the DWAA Seminar & Writing Competition Awards Luncheon visit For more information regarding the day’s events please visit

All nominees will receive certificates. Winners will receive the DWAA Maxwell Medallion, named in honor of the late Maxwell Riddle. Sponsors give cash awards for special writing awards. The Special Awards Sponsors are:, The American Kennel Club (AKC), The AKC Reunite Program, AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy and Canine Good Citizen Award, Angel on a Leash, Designated Dog, James Colasanti, Jr., Dogwise Publishing, The DWAA Junior Writer Award sponsored by Karen Petit, The DWAA Pat Santi Memorial Friends of Rescue Award sponsored by Alden Taylor, Fran Pennock Shaw, Ida Estep, Marsha Pugh, Susan Ewing and Elaine Gewirtz, The Captain Haggerty Award sponsored by  Babette Haggerty, the North Shore Animal League America and Planet Dog Foundation Sit. Speak. Act.

Dog Writers Association of America
2015 Writing Competition Regular Categories

A. Newspaper Articles and Columns

  1. Article – Health or General Care
  • Joanne Anderson, “Canine Hemangiosarcoma” (Massapequa Post)
  • Joanne Anderson, “The AMC Shelter Summit” (Amityville Record)
  • Monique Balas, “Hospice Care Bridges the Gap Between Curing and Euthanizing” (The Oregonian)
  • Jen Reeder, “Securing the Scooby Snacks” (Durango Telegraph)
  1. Article – Behavior or Training  
  • Joanne Anderson, “The Buddy Program – Parts 1 & 2 (Massapequa Post)
  • Monique Balas, “For Search and Rescue Dogs, Their Job is Saving Lives” (The Oregonian)
  • Monique Balas, “Puppy School Teaches the Basics While Building the Pet-Owning Bond” (The Oregonian)
  • Peggy Swager, “Quiz: Test Your Ability to Solve House Training Issues” (Petacular).
  1. Article – Rescue
  • Joanne Anderson, “Pablo: Podengo or Ibizan?” (Massapequa Post)
  • Joanne Anderson, “Oh, Our Darling Clementine!” (Amityville Record).
  • Pam Gleason, “Flyaway Home: Pilots N Paws Rescue Event” (The Dog & Hound).
  • Jen Reeder, “Puppy Love” (Durango Telegraph)
  1. Article – Art or any Other Topic
  • Monique Balas, “Belgian Malinois Owners, Breeders Concerned About Impact of Movie ‘Max’ (The Oregonian).
  • Jen Reeder, “Always Faithful” (Durango Telegraph)
  • Jen Reeder, “Running With the Big Dogs” (Durango Telegraph)
  • Marty van Duyne, “Service Dog Helps Vet Cope” (The Free Lance Star).

B. Magazines

  1. Single, Related, or All-Breed
  • AKC Family Dog
  • Dogs in Review
  • Sighthound Review
  • The Havanese
  1. Annual, Special Interest, or Any Other Subject
  • Rescue Proud (I5 Publishing)
  • Puppies 101 (I-5 Publishing)
  • West Suburban Dog (Brooke Keane, publisher)

C. Magazine Articles

  1. Article– Health or General Care
  • Deb M. Eldredge, DVM, “P is for Prostate” (Dogs in Review)
  • Denise Fleck, “Pet Disaster Preparedness” (Pet Sitter’s World Magazine)
  • Roxanne Hawn, “Good Grooming: Long-Haired Beauties” (AKC Family Dog)
  • Sharon Pflaumer, “A New, Affordable Cure for Parvo” (Dog News)
  1. Article– Behavior or Training
  • Teoti Anderson, “5 Training Mistakes You’re Probably Making” (Modern Dog Magazine)
  • Nina Bloch, “The Birth of Handling” (Clean Run)
  • Lori Mauger, “Puppy Chronicle: New Tricks to Tame a Sassy Pup” (Bark Magazine)
  • Gina Mireault, “Great Expectations” (AKC Family Dog)
  • Peggy Swager, “Case Study: Isolation Stress/Separation Anxiety in a Rescued Mill Dog” (The APDT Chronicle of the Dog
  1. Article – Rescue
  • Gail Diedrichsen, “Overcoming the Animal Shelter Color Barrier” (West Suburban Dog)
  • Gail Diedrichsen, “Too Broken to Be Fixed? (West Suburban Dog)
  • Jen Reeder, “Second Chance Dogs” (Modern Dog)
  • Meredith Wargo, “Aged to Perfection” (Rescue Me)
  1. Article– Breed  
  • Mara Bovsun, “Don’t Worry, Be Hairy” (AKC Family Dog)
  • Barbara E. Magera, “Playtime” (The Royal Spaniels)
  • Erika Mansourian, “From the Roof of the World to the Foot of the Bed” (AKC Family Dog)
  • Peri Norman, “Meet the Belgian Laekenois” (Canine Chronicle)
  1. Article/Column – Art or Any Other Topic
  • Bud Boccone, “ACE Files: Meet the Dog Who Refused to Die” (AKC Family Dog)
  • Brian Patrick Duggan, “Citizen Biggles” (AKC Family Dog)
  • Deb M. Eldredge, DVM “Fun With Pits” (Training Secrets For Pit Bulls)
  • Meredith Wargo, “Spay/Neuter Progress Report” (Rescue Proud)

D. Canine or All-Animal Newspapers or Newsletters

  1. Canine or All-Animal Newspapers or Newsletters
  • The Companion (Canine Companions For Independence Northeast Region)
  • The Dog & Hound (Pam Gleason, publisher)
  • Golden Opportunities (Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue)

E. Canine, or All-Animal Newspaper or Newsletter Articles and Columns

  1. Article – Any Topic
  • Stephanie Colman, “Service, Please” (Whole Dog Journal)
  • Michael Ford, “Dog Gone” (The Dog & Hound)
  • Lisa Rodier, “Order! Labrador in the Court” (Whole Dog Journal)
  • Lisa Rodier, “Restraining Order” (Whole Dog Journal)
  • Laurie Williams, “The Healing Power of Dogs” (Whole Dog Journal)

F. Online

  1. Blogsite Or Website
  • American Kennel Club (
  • Mutt About Town Blog ( Maureen Ann Backman
  • Fidose Of Reality ( Carol Bryant
  • The Daily Junior Dog Blog ( Jill Schilp
  1. Magazine Or Newsletter
  • AKC Canine Partners News, Penny Leigh & Joanne Tribble, editors
  • AKC Gazette, Erika Mansourian, editorial director
  • Havanese Breed Magazine, Thomas Wettlaufer. editor
  • Speaking of Dogs Monthly Newsletter, Lorraine Houston, Nancy Foran & Cathy Vandergeest, editors

G. Online Articles or Blog Entries

  1. Article Or Blog – Health or General Care
  • Nancy Beach, “Canine Osteosarcoma Parts 1 and 2” (Celebrating Greyhounds Magazine)
  • Deb M. Eldredge, DVM, “Messing With Meds” (Best In Show Daily)
  • Deb M. Eldredge, DVM, “Dog Bones & Safety (
  • Ranny Green, “How a Special Service Dog Enables 23-Year Army Veteran” (
  • Jane Messineo Lindquist (Killion) and Mark Lindquist, “Ovulation Timing
  • And Preventing Fading Puppies: A Surprising Nexus” (
  1. Article Or Blog – Behavior or Training
  • Mara Bovsun, “Why Old Dogs Must Learn New Tricks” (
  • Denise Fenzi, “It’s a Puppy, Not a Problem!” (
  • Liz Palika, “7 Suggestions for Training Multiple Dogs” (www.thehonest
  • Nancy Tanner, “Shutting a Dog Down” (
  • Bev Thompson, “Why Tone of Voice Matters” (
  1. Article or Blog – Rescue
  • AKC Canine Health Foundation, “The Joys of Adopting Senior Dogs”
  • Kim Campbell Thornton, “Old Dogs Rule” (Universal Press Syndicate Pet Connection)
  • Kim Campbell Thornton, “Beagle Mania” (Universal Press Syndicate Pet Connection)
  • Meredith Wargo, “The Plight of Greyhounds Abroad” (
  1. Article or Blog – Any Other Topic
  • Laura Coffey, “9/11 Ground Zero Search Dog Still Lends a Helping Paw” (
  • Sally Deneen and Edie Lau, “Facial-recognition Apps Scout Lost Pets” (VIN News Service)
  • Liz Donovan, “Man Gives Everything to Care for 12 Military Dogs After Their Return From War” (
  • Ranny Green, “For This 911 Call Taker, Anja and Loki are Her Relief Valves After a Trying Day at Work (
  • William Kearney, “On Losing a Dog” (
  • Emma Kesler, “Want to Learn More About a Unique Dog Breed?” (
  • Jen Reeder, “Let’s Discuss Pets During Domestic Violence Awareness Month” (Huffington Post)

H. Graphics

  1. Single Photo
  • Mary Fish Arango, “Summertime at the Beach” (Chronicle of the Dog)
  • Lori Mauger, “Trooper the Whippet” (AMLE Magazine)
  • Lisa Croft Elliott, “The Skye’s the Limit” (AKC Family Dog)
  • Dorothy Wills-Raftery, “Chilling Out on a Wordless Wednesday” (Five Sibes Blog)
  1. Series Photos
  • Beth Adams, “Idiot’s Guide: Dog Tricks” (Alpha)
  • Chet Jezierski, “Show of Shows” (Dog News)
  • Jane Sobel Klonsky, “Older Dogs, Deeper Love” (AKC Family Dog)
  • Nancy Tanner, “What’s Happening with Calvin These Days?” (
  1. Single Illustration or Painting
  • Maureen Broussalian, “Cover Illustration” (Lady Louise, The Adventure Begins)
  • Emma Kesler, “Three Popular Human Sayings About Dogs and What Miles Has to Say about Them” (
  • Debra Lampert-Rudman, “David’s Fund Portrait” (David’s Fund. ACKCS Rescue Trust Inc. Cookbook)
  1. Series of Illustrations or Paintings
  • Bud Boccone, “Dog People” (AKC Family Dog)
  • Maureen Broussalian, Lady Louise, The Adventure Begins book illustrations
  • Janet Croog, Humans, Dogs and Civilization book illustrations
  • Florina Boldi, Lipstick On A Pug book illustrations
  1. Posters, Calendars, Brochures or Pamphlets
  • Robin Adams, Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue 2015 Calendar
  • Canine Companions For Independence, 2015 Puppy Calendar
  • Cori Solomon, “Irish Wolfhound Specialty Poster” (Irish Wolfhound Association of the West Coast)
  • Roy A. Wilson, Barbara Garnett-Wilson & Nancy Kinnear, “2016 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Fine Art Calendar”

I. Humor, Poetry, Short Fiction, Opinions/Editorials

  1. Humor
  • Joanne Anderson, “Beauty Tips a la Monsieur Edgar” (Massapequa Post)
  • Elizabeth M. Jarrell, “The Hardware Store is Not Your Friend” (Aussie Times)
  • Barbara Magera, “The Garden Secret” (The Royal Spaniels)
  • Dorothy Wills-Raftery, “Vote Gibson! (FiveSibes blog)
  1. Poetry
  • Megan Blake & Mark Winter, “It’s Super Smiley” (Pet Life Radio)
  • Debra Lampert Rudman, “Gigi In Winter” (La Joie)
  • Lee Netzler, “Merlin” (Scottie Scuttlebutt, Rocky Mountain Scottish Terrier Club)
  • Maggi Payne, “The Christmas Corgi at the Stable” (
  1. Short Fiction
  • Morgan Humphrey, “Scryer” (Independent Publishing)
  • Barbara E. Magera, “Celebrations” (The Royal Spaniels)
  1. Opinions/Editorials
  • Joanne Anderson, “Homeless Hoarder” (Amityville Record)
  • Holly Cornwell, “New Year’s Resolutions” (The Royal Spaniels Magazine)
  • Kate Eldredge, “Musings of an Owner-Handler” (ShowSight Magazine)
  • Allan Resnik, “Showable vs. Show Quality” (Dogs in Review Magazine)
  • A. Sharp, “For the Good of the Breed” (Double Helix Network News)

J. Other Media          

  1. Video, DVD, or TV Broadcasts
  • Robin Adams, “DVGRR 2015 14th Annual Golden Gala”(Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue)
  • Megan Blake, Mark Winter & Heather Paul, “Kindness—It’s Super Smiley” (The Animal Film Festival)
  • Jane Messineo Lindquist (Killion) & Mark Lindquist, “Puppy Culture” (Madcap Productions)
  • Dorice Stancher, “The Pet Stop-Trick Training” (NJN12 New Jersey)
  1. Radio, Podcast, or Other Audio
  • AKC Canine Health Foundation, “Senior Dog Health: An Overview”
  • Teoti Anderson, “Get Pawsitive Results – Hyper Hooligans” (Pet Life Radio)
  • Teoti Anderson, “Get Pawsitive Results – National Dog Bite Week” (Pet Life Radio)
  • Dorothy Wills-Raftery & Robert Forto, “The Sibe Vibe: Talking Canine Epilepsy” (Dog Works Radio)

K. Club Publications (National, Regional, or Local)

  1. Magazine Format
  • The Corgi Cryer, Cindy Read, editor (Mayflower Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club)
  • The Alpenhorn, Dawn Kjeldsen Freeland & Robin Hamme, editors
  • The Ridgeback, Pamela Rape, editor
  • Golden Retriever News (Golden Retriever Club of America)
  1. Newsletter Format            
  • Nittany Dog Tales, Mt. Nittany Dog Training Club, Marliene Froke, Tracey Dooms & Janet Lewis
  • The Scottie Scuttlebutt, Carolyn Grande, editor.
  • AMAL Tales, The Alaskan Malamute Assistance League, Jeannette Y. Wick, editor

L. Club Publication Articles

  1. Article – Any Topic
  • Holly Cornwell, “The Miracle Cure” (The Royal Spaniels Magazine)
  • Ridgeback Trust Inc., “The Rescue Organization That Does What Others Can’t” (The Ridgeback Magazine)
  • Kevin Curran, MD, FACP, “Canine Renal Disease” (The Alpenhorn)
  • Elizabeth M. Jarrell, Esq., & W. Jean Dodds, DVM., “Blood Tells All: A Conversation with W. Jean Dodds, DVM (Aussie Times)
  • Peri Norman, “In Search of the Perfect Stud Dog” (Belgian Sheepdog Newsletter)
  • Deb Zorn, “Seven Simple Words” (The Courier)
  1. Regular Column or Series
  • Nannette Newbury, “Not All Seizures Are Created Alike, Parts 1-3” (Australian Shepherd Journal)
  • Liz Palika, “Behavior Conundrums” (The Australian Shepherd Journal)
  • Fiona Petersen, “It’s a Dog’s Life – Parts 1 and 2 (The Corgi Cryer)
  • Sharolyn Sievert, “The Finding and Training of a Search and Rescue K-9” (The Ridgeback Magazine)

M. Club Special Publications

  1. Club Special Publications
  • The AKC New Complete Dog Book, Mara Bovsun, editor
  • The Golden Age of Dog Shows: Morris & Essex (Morris & Essex Kennel Club with Antique Collectors Club, UK), Debra Lampert-Rudman, editor

N. Books         

  1. Single, Related, or All-Breed
  • Jenny Drastura, Animal Planet Dogs 101 Maltese, (TFH Publications, Inc)
  • Tammy Gagne, Animal Planet Dogs 101 Miniature Schnauzer (TFH Publications, Inc)
  • Constance Lyons & John Savory, Trend Setters: The Making of the Modern Irish Setter, (Book Locker)
  • Robert H. Thomas and Pamela B. Thomas, Leonhard Seppala, the Siberian Dog, and the Golden Age of Sleddog Racing, Pictorial Histories Publishing Co., Inc.
  1. Rescue or Adoption
  • Tracy Libby, The Rescued Dog Problem Solver (i5 Publishing)
  • Andrei S. Markovits & Katherine N. Crosby, From Property to Family (University of Michigan Press)
  • Teresa J. Rhyne, The Dogs Were Rescued and So Was I, (Sourcebooks, Inc.)
  • Jacki Skole, DOGLAND: A Journey to the Heart of America’s Dog Problem, (
  1. Training or Sports
  • Teoti Anderson, The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training, (i-5 Publishing)
  • Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell, Teach Your Herding Breed to be a Great Companion Dog, (Dogwise Publishing)
  • Deb M. Eldredge, DVM & Kate Eldredge, Idiot’s Guide: Dog Tricks (Alpha)
  • Denise Fenzi & Deb Jones, Dog Sports Skills, Book 3: Play (Fenzi Dog Sports Academy Publishing)
  1. Behavior, Health, or General Care
  • Jean Dodds, DVM & Diana Laverdure, Canine Nutrigenomics (Dogwise Publishing)
  • Marthina Greer, DVM, JD, Canine Reproduction and Neonatology (Teton New Media)
  • Mechtild Kaufer, Canine Play Behavior (Dogwise Publishing)
  • Peggy Swager, Rescue Your Dog From Fear (Lyons Press)
  1. Human Animal Bond
  • Gail Noreen MacMillan, To All the Dogs I’ve Loved Before (Wildflower Press)
  1. Reference
  • Lisa Begin-Kruysman, Dog’s Best Friend: Will Judy (McFarland & Co.)
  • Elaine Ostrach Chaika & Janet Croog, illustrator, Humans, Dogs and Civilization (Book Baby)
  • Leila Grandemange, A Breeder’s Companion, Record Keeping (SunnyVille Publishing)
  • John Visconti, Fetch More Dollars for Your Dog Training Business (Dogwise Publishing)
  1. Fiction, Young Adult or Humor
  • Sheila Webster Boneham, Catwalk (Midnight Ink)
  • Susan Conant, Sire and Damn (CreateSpace)
  • Rob Snyder, Poker Night: The Real Story of Dogs Playing Poker (CreateSpace)
  • Linda Johnston, Bite the Biscuit (Midnight Ink)
  1. Children
  • Marriott Cook, A Home For Abigail, (Jabberwocky)
  • Laurren Darr and Florina Boldi, Lipstick On A Pug, (Left Paw Press)
  • Debby Kay, Sweet Snoopers™ , (Coveran Publishing House)
  • Lee Wardlaw & Eugene Yelchin, Won Ton and Chopstick – A Cat and Dog Haiku (Henry Holt Books for Young Readers)

About the Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA)

The Dog Writers Association of America is the most recognized professional writing association devoted to dogs. Founded on February 13th, 1935 by a group of editors and publishers invited to the Westminster Kennel Club, the DWAA now includes over 500 members. DWAA encompasses all aspects of the world of dog writing and publishing –showing, performance, behavior, training, health, and the human animal bond. For 80 years, DWAA has helped members share ideas for articles, helped with interviews and discussed fees and contracts. For editors and publishers, DWAA recommends members, helps with topics for articles, and suggests sources and interview subjects. For more information visit the newly relaunched web site, follow us on Facebook at Dog Writers Association of America or on twitter at @DWAA_US.


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