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Dog Writers Announces 2015 Writing Competition Nominees

-Winners Will Be Announced At Banquet Luncheon-

(New York – January 11, 2016) – The Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA) has announced the 2015 Writing Competition Nominees. Below is a complete list of the Regular Category Nominees. Regular Category Winners and Special Award Winners will be announced at the DWAA banquet on February 14, 2016 at the Pennsylvania Hotel in New York City. The event precedes the annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

New this year is a writing seminar preceding the banquet luncheon. The seminar is entitled, “The New Journalism of Dog Writing – How to Get Yourself Published in the 21st Century” and will be held from 8:00 a.m. to noon followed by the ever-popular scheduled editor/agent appointments. The luncheon begins at 1:00 p.m. with the awards ceremony starting at 2:00 p.m. Attendees may attend all or individual events.

To register for the DWAA Seminar & Writing Competition Awards Luncheon visit For more information regarding the day’s events please visit

All nominees will receive certificates. Winners will receive the DWAA Maxwell Medallion, named in honor of the late Maxwell Riddle. Sponsors give cash awards for special writing awards. The Special Awards Sponsors are:, The American Kennel Club (AKC), The AKC Reunite Program, AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy and Canine Good Citizen Award, Angel on a Leash, Designated Dog, James Colasanti, Jr., Dogwise Publishing, The DWAA Junior Writer Award sponsored by Karen Petit, The DWAA Pat Santi Memorial Friends of Rescue Award sponsored by Alden Taylor, Fran Pennock Shaw, Ida Estep, Marsha Pugh, Susan Ewing and Elaine Gewirtz, The Captain Haggerty Award sponsored by  Babette Haggerty, the North Shore Animal League America and Planet Dog Foundation Sit. Speak. Act.

Dog Writers Association of America
2015 Writing Competition Regular Categories

A. Newspaper Articles and Columns

  1. Article – Health or General Care
  1. Article – Behavior or Training  
  1. Article – Rescue
  1. Article – Art or any Other Topic

B. Magazines

  1. Single, Related, or All-Breed
  1. Annual, Special Interest, or Any Other Subject

C. Magazine Articles

  1. Article– Health or General Care
  1. Article– Behavior or Training
  1. Article – Rescue
  1. Article– Breed  
  1. Article/Column – Art or Any Other Topic

D. Canine or All-Animal Newspapers or Newsletters

  1. Canine or All-Animal Newspapers or Newsletters

E. Canine, or All-Animal Newspaper or Newsletter Articles and Columns

  1. Article – Any Topic

F. Online

  1. Blogsite Or Website
  1. Magazine Or Newsletter

G. Online Articles or Blog Entries

  1. Article Or Blog – Health or General Care
  1. Article Or Blog – Behavior or Training
  1. Article or Blog – Rescue
  1. Article or Blog – Any Other Topic

H. Graphics

  1. Single Photo
  1. Series Photos
  1. Single Illustration or Painting
  1. Series of Illustrations or Paintings
  1. Posters, Calendars, Brochures or Pamphlets

I. Humor, Poetry, Short Fiction, Opinions/Editorials

  1. Humor
  1. Poetry
  1. Short Fiction
  1. Opinions/Editorials

J. Other Media          

  1. Video, DVD, or TV Broadcasts
  1. Radio, Podcast, or Other Audio

K. Club Publications (National, Regional, or Local)

  1. Magazine Format
  1. Newsletter Format            

L. Club Publication Articles

  1. Article – Any Topic
  1. Regular Column or Series

M. Club Special Publications

  1. Club Special Publications

N. Books         

  1. Single, Related, or All-Breed
  1. Rescue or Adoption
  1. Training or Sports
  1. Behavior, Health, or General Care
  1. Human Animal Bond
  1. Reference
  1. Fiction, Young Adult or Humor
  1. Children

About the Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA)

The Dog Writers Association of America is the most recognized professional writing association devoted to dogs. Founded on February 13th, 1935 by a group of editors and publishers invited to the Westminster Kennel Club, the DWAA now includes over 500 members. DWAA encompasses all aspects of the world of dog writing and publishing –showing, performance, behavior, training, health, and the human animal bond. For 80 years, DWAA has helped members share ideas for articles, helped with interviews and discussed fees and contracts. For editors and publishers, DWAA recommends members, helps with topics for articles, and suggests sources and interview subjects. For more information visit the newly relaunched web site, follow us on Facebook at Dog Writers Association of America or on twitter at @DWAA_US.

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