Celebrating Kristin Avery, Winner of the CWA’s Goodnewsforpets.com Human-Animal Bond Award


Second Chances CATS

As CWA announces the opening of the 2022 CWA Contest, Goodnewsforpets.com celebrates the 2021 recipient of the CWA’s Goodnewsforpets.com Human-Animal Bond Award.  Kristin M. Avery won the award for her story in: “Second-Chance Cats, True Stories of the Cats We Rescue and the Cats Who Rescue Us.”  The award was announced at the CWA virtual conference October 24, 2021. Avery received a $500 cash prize and a certificate.

Kat from Second Chances for Cats“I am so excited and honored to have won the Goodnewsforpets.com CWA Human-Animal Bond Award! This award is especially meaningful, as pets have always played a vital and healing role in my life. Thank you so much to Goodnewsforpets.com for sponsoring the award,” said Avery.

Kristin Avery is a writer and artist whose work has appeared in Best Friends Magazine, in animal related anthologies, and on a variety of websites. She has worked in nonprofit fundraising for more than 15 years and volunteers regularly with organizations serving animals and the homeless. She currently serves on the board of Safe Humane Chicago and from 2019-21 served as Secretary for the Dog Writers Association of America. She shares her home with her husband, teenage daughter, senior Yorkie-poo, and two cats, Teddy and Bandit.

You can also find Avery on her social media accounts:

Personal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kristinmavery

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rubyaroundtown/

Goodnewsforpets.com has sponsored the award for several years. Entries are judged for exceptional quality and on the ability to convey the human-animal bond concept and connect with the reader. Qualified entries include single articles (print or online), features, columns, short stories, books, and poetry. Recipients receive a $500 cash award, a commemorative certificate and are featured on Goodnewsforpets.com.  The deadline, award and award presentation details for this special award for 2022 will be be announced soon.

Kat from Second Chances for Cats

Kat from Second Chances for Cats


About the Cat Writers Association and Goodnewsforpets.com

The Cat Writers’ Association is a global cat-centric professional organization dedicated to excellence in written, visual and audio media. The association was the first media partner of Goodnewsforpets.com when the site was launched in 2000.

On Saturday, November 21, 1992, four “cat journalists” met at the Cat Fanciers Association Invitational Cat Show in Fort Worth, Texas. They included Cat Fancy magazine editor Debbie Phillips-Donaldson and circulations specialist Suzanne Stowe; Cat Fanciers Association public relations expert Michael Brim; and freelance pet writer Amy Shojai. All wanted to help get “good information” about cats out to the general public, and support writers dedicated to that effort. The Cat Writers’ Association, Inc. (CWA) was born that day and while writing remains the cornerstone of our organization, over the years we have evolved to embrace and embody so much more.



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