New Veterinary Nursing Theaters Expected To Engage Attendees at NYVet November 8-9


Editor’s Note: Amy Mohl is Medical Director & Editor from Veterinary Team Brief. In our interview she will talk about developing theaters including the new veterinary nursing theater and what attendees can expect from the upcoming NY Vet November 8-9, 2018.  This interview has been reposted for the upcoming Veterinary Technicians Week from September as a courtesy to our veterinary readers.

Amy MohlWhat was your vision for the veterinary nursing and business theaters?

We developed the veterinary nursing and business theaters with the goal of complementing the clinical theaters and fully rounding out the CE experience for the practice team. The veterinary nursing theater is curated for team members who are responsible for daily, hands-on patient care, and the business theater is built for both clinicians and veterinary nurses to dive into the other facets of practice.

For the business theater, I wanted to ensure we selected topics that are appealing to everyone in the practice—not only current practice managers and owners. Our goal was to make business topics accessible to and useful for every team member, as topics like personal well-being and leadership affect everyone in the practice, even our patients.

What do you hope attendees will take away from these theaters?

I hope participants take away something they can immediately implement in practice and their everyday lives—whether that’s a new process for increasing practice revenue or a quick tip for improving patient care (or personal well-being), we’re focused on CE that’s practical and makes life easier for veterinary professionals.

What would a typical day look like for attendees at New York Vet?

As long as the morning starts with coffee, an attendee’s day could be anything he or she desires. There are so many excellent sessions to choose from, and because the exhibit hall is at the center of the whole event,  an attendee can stop by a booth or two on his or her way to each session. The energy and excitement of the event keeps me going, but it’s definitely nice to take a brain break at the end of the day and explore a bit of New York City food and culture.

What sessions are you really excited about?

All of them! It’s really tough to pick one over the other, but if I have to choose… I’m really excited for Mary Gardner’s session on supporting clients during end-of-life care; this topic touches all members of the practice—in nearly every practice—and she’s a fantastic expert in the field. I’m sure it’ll be a fabulous talk.

I’m also looking forward to Lance Roasa’s talk on practice ownership—he’s an amazing speaker, and he’s particularly talented at making practice ownership seem achievable for any of us. His talk will be great for all levels of experience and interest in practice ownership, whether you’re considering it, planning on it, or already in it and not sure if you have the right team in place to help you succeed.

NY VetWhy should veterinary professionals attend New York Vet?

Everyone should go to New York Vet! It’s less time out of the practice and less money out of your pocket—plus, the event is compact; you get everything that you need without having to walk 10 miles a day. I love New York City, too—it’s easy to access and the conference is short enough that you can do some sightseeing without being away from the practice for too long.


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