Yvonne DiVita Wins Goodnewsforpets Contest at WIPIN Show


Congratulations to Yvonne DiVita, the winner of  our Goodnewsforpets Heart-Paw Pet Lovers Necklace, custom designed for us by Elena Kriegner.  Yvonne won the necklace along with a donation in her name to the Kindness Ranch by entering a drawing at our booth as part of the Goodnewsforpets sponsorship of the Women in the Pet Industry Network Conference & Awards Show in Portland, Oregon this August.  We first met Yvonne at BlogPaws and are thrilled she decided to enter the contest in Portland.  Yvonne was a finalist in this year’s amazing Women in the Pet Industry Awards and I could not think of a more deserving glamorous (and did I say redhead!) person who rocks the pet blogging world AND champions women.

Yvonne DiVita Winner of the Heart-Paw Necklace with Publisher Lea-Ann Germinder

Yvonne DiVita Winner of the Heart-Paw Necklace with Publisher Lea-Ann Germinder













We had asked for just a quote from Yvonne but Yvonne being the wonderfully fab Yvonne, when she got the necklace, she waited to get her hair done, then posted a video to her blog and writes, “I’m just delighted about winning. This necklace is so beautiful… I can’t wait to get dressed up and wear it out…and when I do, I’ll share some photos. For now, I wanted to personally thank Lea-Ann, because she embodies the give-back attitude we all need to be wildly successful in our businesses. It’s a “let’s help each other get this done” attitude. And, her company, Good News for Pets, having been around for close to 20 years, is one to not only learn from, but work with.” Awwww…thanks Yvonne!!!

The stunning Heart-Paw Pet Lovers Necklace was designed by Austrian Jewelry Designer Elena Kriegner to celebrate the rebirth of the Goodnewsforpets site.  Hand sawed to perfection and made with care, Kriegner put thought into the design, wanting it to appeal to a wide array of pet lovers, yet unmistakably making the piece stand out as a gorgeous necklace that shows its wearer loves animals.  A necklace was also raffled off and won by blogger Ariane Apler of www.pennywisepaws.com at this year’s BlogPaws conference, from May 8th-10th,  in Las Vegas, then the online community was given a chance to win the very same necklace. Darlene Bryant was the winner of that necklace.

Good News for Pets is celebrating its website rebirth which features an ultra modern redesign that makes the site a one stop shop for the pet owner community by offering: news articles, product highlights, shelter information, veterinary advice, events and plenty of social media networking opportunities for pet enthusiasts.








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