Getting a cat to the vet isn’t an easy task. Pet expert Sandy Robins explains why and offers advice on how to make a cat’s visit to the veterinarian an easier, less stressful experience.
In the new “Taking a Cat to the Veterinarian” video, pet expert Sandy Robins discusses why most cat owners don’t take their cats to the vet when necessary or for annual wellness checkups. She then offers advice on how to make a cat’s visit to the veterinarian an easier, less stressful experience. Considerations and tips before, on the way, and during a vet visit are highlighted.
“Taking a Cat to the Veterinarian” is the next installment in the Ask the Pet Travel Expert video series by Sleepypod®. Sleepypod is the maker of innovative pet travel products.
About Sandy Robins

Sandy Robins, pet expert and author of “The Original Cat Bible,” hosts the new “Taking a Cat to the Veterinarian” video.
Sandy Robins is an awarding-winning multi-media pet lifestyle expert, author and spokesperson. She is the recipient of the Excellence in Journalism and Outstanding Contributions to the Pet Industry Award presented by the American Pet Products Association. Sandy’s work is featured on a large media platform that includes such websites as and AOL’s, mommy blogger sites such as and national publications from Consumers Digest to pet centric magazines such as Dog Fancy, Modern Dog, Catster, Cats USA annuals and industry leaders such as Pet Age magazine where she writes monthly dog and cat trends articles.
Her two cat books, “Fabulous Felines: Health and Beauty Secrets for the Pampered Cat” and “For The Love of Cats” have both won awards from the Cat Writers Association of America of which she is a longtime member. Her latest book is “The Original Cat Bible.” She is also a member of the Dog Writers Association of America and won numerous canine-centric awards bestowed by this organization.
About Sleepypod
Busy pet-owner lifestyles demand pet products that are not only versatile but also exceptional enough to baby the pets that mean so much to us. Sleepypod understands the importance of pets in their owners’ lives and that’s why safety is Sleepypod’s top priority. To protect the joy of driving with pets, Sleepypod crash tested its entire line of dog safety harnesses and pet carriers at the standard set for child safety restraints. From the BPA-free silicone in Yummy Travel Bowls to the 100 percent organic Little Germs line of cleansers, Sleepypod devotes careful and caring attention to every detail in each product. Bold and innovative, Sleepypod products are clever enough to have won a slew of awards and stacks of praise from veterinarians, pet industry experts and media, even earning a spot in the Metropolitan Home “Design 100” alongside iconic products like the iPhone and the Smartcar. Thoughtful design features transform ordinary pet products from insipid to inspired. Additional information about Sleepypod is available online at Safe travels.®