What To Expect at New York Vet 2018: An Interview with Dr. Indu Mani


If you’re like most veterinary professionals, stepping away from the clinic for 5 days can seem almost impossible. New York Vet is curated by busy practicing veterinarians just like you to ensure the best CE experience in only 2 days—all for $249! New York Vet isn’t just for veterinarians. This year, the program includes Veterinary Team Brief veterinary nursing tracks: high‑quality CE for every team member.

With more than 300 exhibitors in attendance and 75+ hours of CE to choose from, you can create your own unique New York Vet experience. We catch up with Dr. Indu Mani from Brief Media, curator of the New York Vet clinical CE for an exciting interview.

Dr. Indu Mani

Dr. Indu Mani

What is the biggest ambition of New York Vet 2018?

To continue providing practical, relevant, and accessible CE in an appealing format that suits the schedules and needs of busy veterinary professionals. New York Vet is the perfect solution to secure your annual CE requirement in ancient timeframe and at a great price point.

 What makes New York Vet diff­erent from other veterinary CE events?

The clinical program should mirror your appointment schedule because it’s curated by practicing veterinarians who encounter the same challenges you do every day. The brevity of the conference also sets it apart; leaving the practice for 2 days is much less stressful—and expensive—than leaving for 5 days. Plus, the event is held in a vibrant and exciting setting: the Javits Center in New York City. The diverse attendee population might have you running into old classmates and making new friends.

Which sessions do you plan to attend, and how do you choose?

It’s certainly a tough choice! I plan to attend as many as I can fit in. One session in particular that I’m looking forward to is on breed-specific variants in clinical pathology, presented by Julie Allen, BVM&S, MS, MRCVS, DACVIM (SAIM). Choosing which sessions to attend is—for me, at least—primarily about the relevance of the topic to my daily practice.

Is there a theme sprinkled through this year’s clinical program?

In developing the New York Vet program, we focused on providing clinical sessions as diverse as the actual clinical problems veterinary professionals encounter in practice. Whether you’re seeking expert advice on sedatives and anesthesia drugs or looking for practical approaches for diagnosing ocular diseases, you’ll find the answers you need at New York Vet.

What topics do you think will be most important to include in the New York Vet program over the next 5 years?

Our priority for New York Vet is to offer clinical sessions that are topical, up-to-date, and consistently useful to the practitioner, which is why the program is curated by practicing veterinarians rather than an organizational event committee. Naturally, the topics we select will be largely informed by the changing needs of the veterinary profession.

 Why should attendees come back every year?

Where else can you earn 16 hours of unparalleled CE in 2 days? I’m biased, of course, but I’m confident that attendees will return for the amazing setting, fabulous content, competitive price, and brevity of the event. New York Vet is a unique experience; it’s an­cient way to earn the CE hours we need, but it also delivers an unparalleled educational experience that is actually relevant to our challenges in practice.

What should attendees look for at the event?

Attendees will be a part of a truly electric atmosphere and can take advantage of interesting, practical CE. You can easily visit dozens of exhibitor booths and still make it to the next lecture because everything is in one central location.

 What was your vision for the curriculum?

Our team carefully selected each lecture topic with a focus on helping generalists solve the clinical problems they face in practice every day. We also wanted to give veterinary nurses their own practical and useful track and provide a business theater for tackling non-clinical problems.

What one thing do you hope visitors will walk away with this year?

Practical knowledge that they can use on their first day back at the clinic—plus a fun CE experience.

What are you waiting for? New York Vet has something for everyone! Register online before September 28 for only $249 to earn your 16 hours of high-quality CE. Promo Code: GOODNEWS

To find out more about the program and speakers visit newyorkvet.com.



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