We’re In The Pink, But We’re All Still True to Dental Blue!


Yes, I am thrilled to announce that Dr. Dan Richardson, one of my very first dear friends in veterinary medicine is the first male Power of Pink Honoree.  He’s the “other” guy (as in Dr. Guy Pidgeon) who ever so gently introduced me to organized veterinary medicine at Hill’s Pet Nutrition. And, he’s still at it. Because the thing about Dan is he always wants to help. It was his help in introducing me to the veterinary dentistry experts, putting his reputation on the line that challenged me to deliver the “Pets Need Dental Care, Too! campaign so many years ago. Today even though he says he’s retired he is active in consulting and serving on many boards and task forces.

Our collaboration led to an enduring campaign and friendship. He opened my eyes back in 1994 to research and the endless quest for what ifs?  Dan is the man who is the next Power of Pink Honoree, our first male and he didn’t bat an eye at this first either. His donation goes to the Storemont Care Line to help those with emergency medical needs.That’s why we both may be showing our pink today, but I’ll be true to his dental blue research forever! You can read his full interview here.

On another dental note, Heidi Lobprise, DVM, DAVDC was a Power of Pink Honoree earlier this year during Pet Dental Health Month. She helped contribute to the GNFP Digital download series with the dental module. Veterinary practices with a social media manager can register to receive the module by visiting www.gnfp.com.

Finally, I had a pleasant surprise when Dr. Lori Pasternak of Helping Hands, Richmond, Virginia visited with me at the recent BlogPaws conference. Lori had set up her veterinary practice in 1998, the same year I launched Germinder + Associates. She decided to focus on veterinary dentistry. She practices affordable high-quality  veterinary surgery and dental care. And, she shares a love of Pink. Who knew? Thanks for the kudos Lori and for your commitment to dentistry!

From veterinary dentistry research to digital assets to affordable dentistry for all pets. We’re all celebrating pink, but we’re still true to dental blue!




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