Wackiest Pet Names of 2016 Revealed


Naming your new furry friend is a process everyone goes through when they add a pet to their family. What about naming them Shakespurr or Kanye Westie? Nationwide reveals the wackiest pet names of 2016 as voted by the public.

Nationwide recently held a public vote on the top 10 wackiest names for dogs and cats of 2016. Selecting the craziest names from their database of more than 575,000 insured pets, the winners are in and the public voted McLoven the Stud Muffin and Agent Jack Meower number 1 wackiest pet names of 2016.

“Our Wacky Pet Names competition is a great way to showcase the creativity of the pet lover’s community,” said Carol McConnell, DVM, MBA, vice president and chief veterinary medical officer for Nationwide. “The unique monikers among our members’ pets come from a variety of different sources, some of which are based on joke filled puns, while others have a sentimental meaning. This year’s campaign saw strong references to pop culture topics.”

Below are the 10 Wackiest Dog and 10 Wackiest Cat Names of 2016:



1.  McLoven the Stud Muffin

1.   Agent Jack Meower

2.  Kanye Westie

2.   Shakespurr

3.  Angus Von Wigglebottom

3.   Meowmadeus

4.  SuperFunCoconutDog

4.   Macaroni Bob

5.  Optimus Prime Rib

5.   Sir Pickles Pennybottom

6.   Maximus Waffles

6.   Princess Poopy Paws

7.   ChaChi Big Foot

7.   Butch Catsidy

8.   Scrappin Scruffy Macdoogle of the Highland Macdoogles

8.   Sharkbait Hoo Haa Haa

9.   Lieutenant Colonel Be Back Soon 

9.   Ziggy Snowdust 

10.  Aggie Von Schwaggie

10.  Enzo Asparagus Santa

pet name

McLoven the Stud Muffin

The number one wackiest dog name belongs to an English Bulldog. Pet parent Elizabeth Shikiar of Wilmington, NC came up with the name after he was newly adopted while watching the movie “Superbad”. She was toying with the name Stud Muffin when she heard the name McLoven in the movie and knew she had the perfect name for her new furry friend. Elizabeth says she has always given her pets quirky names, as she feels a name should reflect their personality.

pet name

Agent Jack Meower

The number one wackiest cat name, Agent Jack Meower, belongs to a cat that pet parent Derek Klingel of Stroudsburg, PA says couldn’t fit the feline any better. Derek is a huge fan of the show “24” with actor Keifer Sutherland playing agent Jack Bauer, he always remarked that if he ever got a cat he was going to name him Agent Jack Meower, and he stayed true to his word when one day rescuing a kitten in the snow turned into adding a sassy feline to his family. What Derek couldn’t have know was how fitting the name would be, as his rescued kitten matured into a cat with an energetic, ornery and slightly mischievous personality, much like the character he was named after.

For photos and background stories of the winners and the top 10 nominees, along with the full list of the 50 wackiest dog and cat names, visit www.wackypetnames.com.

Source: Nationwide

Source: Wackypetnames.com


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