Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe This Easter


Easter is here again, and Goodnewsforpets wants to remind pet parents of some risk factors they should be aware of this holiday weekend. Easter is a great holiday for the whole family, including your furry companions, here are some tips on how to keep your pet safe this Easter.

easterEaster candy
Chocolate, marshmallows, and jelly beans are Easter classics, but should be kept out of reach from pets. Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is found in many “sugar-free” candies and baked good, and it is highly toxic to pets especially dogs. All sugar products should be kept away from pets as they can be potentially hazardous for your pet by raising glucose levels, upsetting their stomachs and candy wrappings are equally as detrimental. Theobromine is a chemical found in most chocolate and is poisonous to pets. If you suspect your pet has ingested any candy, chocolate or candy wrappings contact your veterinarian.

Easter eggs (plastic and real)

Eggs are part of almost everyone’s Easter traditions, especially the egg hunt. Whether real or plastic be sure to keep track of the number of eggs you use in the hunt to make sure they are all accounted for when the festivities are over. Boiled eggs can cause an upset stomach and constipation in your pet, especially if the eat the shells as well. If a dog consumes an egg whole surgery may be needed to keep it from blocking the intestinal tract.

Plastic eggs pose as serious risk as well, mainly because if consumed they can’t be digested. While it may be possible for it to pass through the digestive system, it can also get stuck and cause damage requiring surgery.

Synthetic grass

Easter grass, like holiday tinsel, can be tempting to pets and dangerous if ingested causing intestinal trouble. The long, thin strings can cause “intussusception”, a bunching-up of the intestines, which requires surgery.

Goodnewsforpets recommends using shredded paper as an alternative for Easter basket filling and decoration.

Easter lilies

Lilies are very popular around Easter, however every part of the lily is highly toxic to pets especially cats. Easter lilies and other lilies can be toxic to cats, causing kidney failure and death. All parts of the lily can be toxic, and eating just one leaf can result in severe poisoning. If you think your cat has eaten a lily, contact your vet immediately.

Hot Cross Buns

Raisins, currants and sultanas are extremely dangerous to dogs and they are of course contained in hot cross buns. They are highly toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure so it’s vital they don’t get near those easter treats. If you think your dog has eaten some, call your vet immediately.


Keep alcoholic drinks out the way of dogs. At best, your hound will get tipsy, at worst he can suffer convulsions, have difficulty breathing or even die. The smell of some alcoholic drinks can be tempting to a dog, so don’t let him get anywhere near your tipple.

Raw Dough

If you are planning on making your own bread or hot cross buns this weekend, keep the dough away from your dog. It can ferment in the dogs stomach and become poisonous.


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