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Susan Little, DVM, DACVB Named International Germinder20 Power of Pink Honoree

Canadian Veterinarian Honored For Leadership Role in Global Feline Medicine, Communications and Digital Presence

Germinder + Associates has named Susan Little, DVM, DACVB- Feline Medicine as the only international Germinder20 Power of Pink Honoree to receive the award. In 2018 alone she has visited 19 countries, traveled 183,942 miles and lectured or attended 40 events and meetings. Little is an international speaker, author, podcast host and veterinary practice owner based in Ottawa, Canada. She is a past president of the American Association of Feline Practitioners and the Winn Feline Foundation. She has designated the $1,000 Honoree donation to the Winn Feline Foundation for feline research. To read more about Dr. Little’s story, click here #Germinder20 #PowerofPinkHonoree

“Honoring Dr. Little is a great way to kick off 2019. Germinder is committed to communicating about best global veterinary medicine practices and Dr. Little is an exemplary ambassador of feline veterinary medicine all over the world. Her positivity inspires me and every person wherever she goes. She is a leader par excellence and certainly one to follow as she lectures, as she podcasts, and in our ever changing digital world. I’m so pleased to celebrate her as a Power of Pink Honoree,” said Lea-Ann Germinder, APR, Fellow PRSA, President and Founder of Germinder & Associates, Inc.

Germinder met Dr. Little several years ago during Dr. Little’s co-authoring of a feline textbook with the late Mordecai Siegal, the editor of “The Cornell Book of Cats” and one of the first columnists of Thus began Germinder’s commitment to help educate the public about feline medicine and in particular feline medicine research. Germinder + Associates designed the Winn Feline Foundation logo when Little was president. The logo is still in use today.

Little received her BSc from Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia, Canada) and her DVM from the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. She has been in feline practice since 1990 and achieved board certification in Feline Practice in 1997. She is part owner of two feline specialty practices in Ottawa, Canada. She is a past president of the American Assoc. of Feline Practitioners and the Winn Feline Foundation. She is currently an International Council for Veterinary Assessments board member. She is a peer reviewer for veterinary journals as well as the author of many journal articles.

In accepting the award, Little took a short break from her breakneck schedule and said, “I’m very honored to be a Power of Pink Honoree! Thank you so much for the recognition, I’m among an amazing group of Honorees.” 

Dr. Little’s travel has taken her all over the world, but her first lecture stop for 2019 will be VMX, Orlando, Florida, January 22 and 23. Then it’s on to Western Veterinary Conference, Las Vegas for a one half-day wet lab.  After that lectures at the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM) April 3 in Birmingham, England. To keep up with Little, follow her on Twitter @catvetsusan or on Instagram @catvetsusan.

Little is the recipient of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Assoc. Small Animal Practitioner Award (2010), the NAVC Small Animal Speaker of the Year Award (2013), and the International Society of Feline Medicine/Hill’s Pet Nutrition Award for outstanding contributions to feline medicine (2013). She is the editor and co-author of two textbooks: The Cat – Clinical Medicine and Management (2012) and August’s Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine, Volume 7 (2015).


#Germinder20 #PowerofPinkHonorees named and donations given to date include: Debra Horwitz, DVM, DACVB (donation to: Missouri Humane Society), Heidi Lobprise, DVM, DAVDS (donation to: Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dogs), Elizabeth Colleran, DVM, MS, DABVP (donation to: Winn Feline Foundation), Dan Richardson, DVM, DACVS (donation to: Stormont-Vail Foundation Care Line), Manolita Moore (donation to: The Pixel Fund), Jen Reeder (donation to: Green Dogs Unleashed) Mary Beth Leininger, DVM (donation to: Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship Fund), Guy Pidgeon, DVM, DACVIM (donation to: Colorado State College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship Fund), Megan Peters (donation to: KC Pet Project), Julie Lux (donation to: the American Beagle Rescue Network and the Dalmation Club of America Foundation), Amy Shojai (donation to: Cat Writers’ Association), Norita Taylor (donation to: Band of Angels), Lane Odle (donation to: Sunshine House), and Arne Zislin, DVM, VMD (donation to: International and Immigrant Student Services (IISS) at Johnson County Community College (JCCC). Links to personal interviews with these Honorees are featured here.

#Germinder20 #ThePowerofPink was announced in January 2018 as part of the celebration of Germinder’s 20thAnniversary. The storytelling initiative highlights the founder’s story of breast cancer survivorship and also shines a spotlight on leaders whose stories have touched and inspired Germinder to success. Initial donations were made in honor of Rache Simmons, MD to The Weill Cornell Breast Center at the Weill Cornell Medical College/New York Presbyterian Hospital, an integrated, multi-disciplinary care center where Germinder was successfully treated for breast cancer six years ago. Another recipient is the Clara Goy Foundation in memory of Germinder’s brother-in-law, Gene Melleno, a girl’s high school basketball coach who passed away Jan. 1, 2018. Other donations have been made to the Jan Hus Community Outreach Program in honor of Germinder’s immigrant great-grandmother Marie Therese Kacin and to the News Literacy Project. The final Honoree list and donations made in 2018 will be announced by January 31, 2019.

Germinder + Associates provides communications services for the pet/vet sectors and other niche industries. The woman-owned company was founded by Lea-Ann O’Hare Germinder, APR, Fellow PRSA in Kansas City and has offices in New York City and Kansas City. The company connects and consults with executives in both established companies and organizations interested in entering the vet and pet industries in the U.S.™ combines an award-winning website and social media channels to curate news of interest and importance to pet parents, veterinary professionals and the pet industry. Editorial, contests, sponsored content distribution and advertising are available.

GNFP Digital™ provides a wide range of digital services including digital audits, standard or custom infographics, topic specific modules and branded content implementation. The custom digital content development and distribution services are offered for national brands, veterinary practices and other niche markets.


Lea-Ann Germinder, APR, Fellow PRSA or 917-334-8682



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