If the Schuh Fits, Love It!


The conference brings together women in all sorts of businesses in the industry to learn from each other.  You can read more about Shawna and WIPIN in our new guest interview column.  I am proud to say Goodnewsforpets is a sponsor of the conference and I am a speaker for the Social Media Panel. Giving, Growing, Connecting is the theme of WIPIN.

I’m also thrilled to announce that we are hosting another contest at the conference just like we did at BlogPaws this past May.  Attendees can enter the raffle to win a Elena Kriegner necklace paired with a matching shelter donation and will be featured in an upcoming Goodnewsforpets issue to boot.

We are also planning another online contest so I hope our community registers for that one as well.

I will be off to another conference next week, the Heartland Conference led by Karlene Belyea, another smart woman, the Executive Director of the Michigan VMA who I met many years ago at the then 9-States.  That conference promises leading edge CE with Michael Warren speaking of social media topics.  I was a speaker then discussing the need for veterinarians to get online and stay in touch with each other right after the BSE scare.  Social media did not even exist.  We are talking, “how many of you google?” My, how the times have changed!

Dr. Lorie Huston, president of the Cat Writer’s Association, is here at the conference as well. At lunch, we were discussing her and other like minded veterinarians efforts to bring good educational messages to pet owners online.
For now it’s off to the WIPIN sessions and more to come. I’ve got social in mind too. If that shoe fits, I love it too!  Thanks Shawna for encouraging our participation in the conference.  It promises to be an amazing experience!


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