September is Disaster Preparedness Month: How to Create A Pet Evacuation Kit


The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) regularly provides resources for veterinarians and pet owners to keep animals safe. With the affects of global warming, disasters can happen at any time, however Hurricane season in particular reminds all of us to be prepared. The entire the month of September is designated as Disaster Preparedness Month. Prepare for yourself, and your pet, too!

avma aid disaster emergency preparedness hurricane

The AVMA’s resources include tips on assembling a pet evacuation kit (included below), what to do if your pet is lost and what to do after a disaster. You can view AVMA’s “Pets and Disasters” resources for more information on emergency preparedness and response.



Be prepared for a disaster with a pet evacuation kit. Assemble the kit well in advance of any emergency and store in an easy-to-carry, waterproof container close to an exit.

Food and Medicine

  • 3-7 days’ worth of dry and canned (pop-top) food*
  • Two-week supply of medicine*
  • At least 7 days’ supply of water
  • Feeding dish and water bowl
  • Liquid dish soap

*These items must be rotated and replaced to ensure they don’t expire

First Aid Kit

  • Anti-diarrheal liquid or tablets
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Bandage tape and scissors
  • Cotton bandage rolls
  • Flea and tick prevention (if needed in your area)
  • Isopropyl alcohol/alcohol prep pads
  • Latex gloves
  • Saline solution
  • Towel and washcloth
  • Tweezers


  • Litter, litter pan, and scoop (shirt box with plastic bag works well for pan)
  • Newspaper, paper towels, and trash bags
  • Household chlorine beach or disinfectant

Important Documents

  • Identification papers including proof of ownership
  • Medical records and medication instructions
  • Emergency contact list, including veterinarian and pharmacy
  • Photo of your pet (preferably with you)

Travel Supplies

  • Crate or pet carrier labeled with your contact information
  • Extra collar/harness with ID tags and leash
  • Flashlight, extra batteries
  • Muzzle

Comfort Items

  • Favorite toys and treats
  • Extra blanket or familiar bedding


The AVMA’s Saving the Whole Family© brochure (also in Spanish: Salvando a la Familia Entera) offers a comprehensive list of what needs to be done to safeguard pets before, during and after a disaster.


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