Pet IQ
A: Cats and Dogs age at a much more rapid rate than people. Taking your pet to the veterinarian once…
A: Alaska is the only state or U.S. territory that has not experienced a single documented case of heartworm disease…
A: The Tour for Life is a shelter pet adoption event that the North Shore Animal League America began in…
A: In 1888, with her assignment of 117 St. Bernards at Westminster, Anna Whitney became the first woman to judge…
A: The Buddy Foundation was named for Morris Frank’s faithful eye dog, Buddy, the first Seeing Eye Dog in this…
A: “The earliest known cats in the United States with recorded pedigrees were the homegrown Maine Coon Cats. New Englanders…
A: The veterinarian is solely responsible for diagnosing, making a prognosis, prescribing medication and performing surgery. They are ultimately responsible…
A: Parvovirus/CoronavirusParvovirus (more commonly known as Parvo) is a highly contagious disease that causes diarrhea, vomiting, and decreased white blood…
A: FourWith more than 1,400 members, the ACVIM has board-certified experts to consult on your pet’s health in the following…
A:Clinical signs of heartworm disease include:Coughing Labored breathing Dog tires easily Fainting Abdominal swellingIf you see these signs in your…