One Health Day


The One Health Community is inviting veterinarians, medical doctors, public health practitioners, and those involved in environmental sciences/environmental health to join forces and create events to be held on and around One Health Day (November 3, 2016) to promote One Health.

One Health is the collaborative effort of multiple health science professions, together with their related disciplines and institutions – working locally, nationally, and globally – to attain optimal health for people, domestic animals, wildlife, plants, and our environment.

one health dayWho can participate? 

  • Anyone, individuals or groups, from academic to corporate to non-profit, from students to established professionals, can plan and implement a One Health Day event.

Why should you participate?

  • To enhance human, animal and environmental health and well-being by advancing awareness and understanding of the One Health concept
  • To build networks that provide opportunities for collaboration among many health-related disciplines
  • To share your perspectives and knowledge with  like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds
  • To expand your own trans-disciplinary network and understanding of the diversity of One Health  sciences and perspectives
  • To gain valuable experience in developing, organizing, coordinating and funding a compelling and appealing One Health awareness and educational program. (As a student, this will  augment your vitae / resume)
  • If a student, and if you like, to compete for cash prizes and global recognition of your event by renowned international One Health experts.

What can you do? 

  • First save 3 November, 2016 for One Health Day. Then identify and bring together like-minded colleagues and others in your region to organize and support local, creative and innovative awareness and educational events on or around One Health Day. You can focus on any topic that falls under the One Health umbrella but your event should address the inter-connectivity of human, animal and environmental health.

What kind of support can you expect?

  • Free use of the One Health Day logo   (you might help translate it into ‘your’ regional language).
  • Free promotional support through the OneHealthDay.Org web pages and electronic newsletters regularly circulated by the three sponsoring organizations and their partners to over 15,000 One Health advocates around the world.
  • Event ideas and program support such as assistance in selecting speakers can be obtained via your Regional spokesperson and/or the One Health Day Coordinating Team.
  • Financial support will not be provided.

How to Participate

  • Identify and coalesce your Event Team and Ideas
  • Register your event on the One Health Day website
  • For more information about One Health Day Events or assistance with filling out the Registration form, please contact your Regional spokesperson.
  • Advertise your event widely through local media in your region, by posting articles, blogposts, pictures, and/or video recordings online on the One Health Day Facebook page or on Twitter using the hashtag  #OneHealthDay and on the One Health Day webpage. Contact the One Health Day social media manager if you need assistance.

Student Competition

  • While anyone can participate, One Health Day especially encourages students (secondary, undergraduate, graduate, professional) to set up One Health events that facilitate student delegates working together from different academic disciplines / backgrounds.
  • For fun and added incentive, student teams organizing an event for One Health Day may enter their event to compete for a $5,000 cash prize. Three award winning events will be selected by a jury of renowned international One Health experts.


Student One Health Day Teams are eligible to apply for one of three One Health Day Awards if they:

  • Have at least one ecology / environmental, one human medical, one veterinary medical, and one additional non-medical related student (examples: Anthropology, Chemistry, Communications, Engineering, Social Sciences, Wildlife, Zoology, etc.) N=4 or more students.
  • Submit proof of ‘students in good standing’ letters for each team member on their University’s letterhead from a faculty member or Department Head. (Note: It is possible that more than one University will be represented on a single team.)
  • Submit an event description
  • Submit a promotion plan for advertising your event
  • Submit a metric for measuring success of your event
  • Submit an evaluation Summary Report to your Regional Spokesperson (in English) by 1 December, 2016

Only those teams who wish to compete for the awards must prospectively meet these Event Criteria and submit to theirRegional spokespersons. All other One Health Day teams (not wishing to compete) are encouraged to register their event on the One Health Day webpage for support and help promoting their events.

Assessment Criteria/Scoring

  • Student applications for the One Health Day Awards competition will be assessed for eligibility according to the conditions outlined in the event guidelines and scored using these Assessment Criteria.

Dates of Interest

  • 27 October-10 November 2016: Window for occurrence of events entered in the competition
  • 1 December 2016: Event summaries for competition due to Regional Spokespersons for judging. Be sure we know how to contact you if your team wins
  • February 2017: Announcement of student competition winners

What if we cannot hold our event ‘on’ November 3?

  • No problem.  One Health is highly relevant and needed all year round. Hold your One Health Day event whenever you can, as close to the recognized One Health Day date as possible.  Please note: if you want your event to compete for the award, it must occur in the One Health Day Events window between 27 October and 10 November.


Source One Health Commission


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