Obesity Facts & Risks

Today is National Pet Obesity Awareness Day, the previous few days has focused on National Walk Your Dog Week and in an effort to spread awareness Goodnewsforpets put together some tips to keep you and your pooch moving all through out the year promoting health and happiness. Below are the results from last year’s National Pet Obesity Awareness Survey, with alarming figures. More than half the cats in the survey were either overweight or obese, while roughly 53% of dogs were overweight or obese. Pet parents can help their four-legged friends and help themselves by being pro-active, cutting down on treats and getting their pets active. Goodnewsforpets can show you how, here.
2013 National Pet Obesity Awareness Day Survey: Cats
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2013 National Pet Obesity Awareness Day Survey: Dogs
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An estimated 52.6% of US dogs are overweight or obese (BCS 4-5)
43.8 million US dogs are estimated to be overweight or obese
13.9 million US dogs are estimated to be obese
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An estimated 16.7% of US dogs are obese (BCS 5)
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An estimated 57.6% of US cats are overweight or obese (BCS 4-5)
55 million US cats are estimated to be overweight or obese
26.2 million US cats are estimated to be obese
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An estimated 27.4% of US cats are obese (BCS 5)
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