Celebrate May & the Goodnewsforpets 15th Anniversary with PRN Pharmacal New York, May 11, 2015 – May is a month filled with…
As part of American Humane’s Be Kind to Animals Week and AVMA’S National Pet Week, GoodNewsforPets is featuring a story on a…
The Cat Writers’ Association (CWA) recently announced two debut panels at the upcoming BlogPaws Conference in Nashville on May 28-30, 2015. CWA members will…
It’s All About Studying Owners’ Quality of Life ACVIM Board-certified cardiologist addresses subject June 3 at 2015 ACVIM Forum, Indianapolis…
Told by Mr. Jazz himself, an ordinary cat by his own admission, “Purr Prints of the Heart” is a touching…
Historic Campaign that Taught Generations of Americans to Treat Animals Humanely Launches Year-Long Campaign to Solve Remaining Challenges for Millions…
SCHAUMBURG, Ill., May 3, 2015 — Pets provide us with love, joy, comfort and companionship. To celebrate our pets during National…
Amazing Pet Expos, producers of over 100 consecutive pet expos since 2009, will give $5,000 to one lucky rescue participating…
AC&C Cats, Dogs and Rabbits Available for $20 Adoption Fee May 1-10 NEW YORK, NEW YORK, April 29, 2015 –…
Voting now open for 2015 American Humane Association Hero Veterinarian and Hero Veterinary Technician Awards™, sponsored by Zoetis WASHINGTON, April…