University of California, Davis. With funding by The Winn Feline Foundation and others, Dr. Leslie Lyons and her associates at…
Germinder & Associates, Inc. is a marketing communications firm specializing in animal health and publisher of and a proud…
Honolulu, The AVMA Convention ” (July 15, 2006) ” The American Heartworm Society is proud to announce the 12th State…
Dr. James R. Richards is the official media spokesperson for the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and Fort Dodge…
The FDA centennial celebration marks the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s 100th anniversary of the Pure Food and Drugs Act…
(OVERLAND PARK, Kan.) ” The well-being of America’s cats is in danger. Many feline health practitioners fear cats are not…
The well-being of America’s cats is in danger. Many feline health practitioners fear cats are not receiving the frequency of…
The well-being of America’s cats is in danger. Many feline health practitioners fear cats are not receiving the frequency of…
The Bria Fund was established in 2005 for the study of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Bria, a Blue Lynx Point…
Dr. Gary Norsworthy, a well-known author, editor and lecturer on issues relating to feline health, recently spoke with about…