New Educational Website Helps Cat Caregivers Be the Best They Can Be


Powered by Feline Veterinarians, Website Serves up Credible Information & Unites Cat Lovers

cat community catfriendlyCat caregivers have a very strong bond with their feline family members, and want to give them long, happy, and healthy lives. The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP), an organization of feline veterinarians, whose mission to improve the health and welfare of cats, has launched “The Cat Community:” Powered by feline veterinarians, provides cat caregivers with valuable educational information that is reliable and trustworthy. Caregivers are able to learn about their cat’s natural, but sometimes mysterious behaviors; the importance of routine veterinary care; feline diseases; tips on how to be a great cat friendly caregiver; and answer many of their most pressing questions, such as why does my cat scratch?

“Better education for cat caregivers means better care for cats,” said Dr. Lauren Demos, BVMS, HonsBSc, and President of the AAFP. “ supplies cat caregivers with credible content on feline health topics so that if they do turn to an online search, they know this information is reliable. However, no amount of online education can replace the relationship a caregiver and their cat has with their veterinarian.”

catfriendly cat communityThe website includes critical information in the following areas of focus:

  • Cat Care at Home
  • Keep Your Cat Healthy
  • Diseases
  • Why Does My Cat….?
  • Be a Cat Friendly Caregiver
  • The Toy Box (offers the opportunity to share photos, take quizzes, and other fun stuff!)

The site also features a “Find a Veterinarian or Practice” search database so cat caregivers can locate an AAFP member veterinarian or Cat Friendly Practice® in their area. The importance of fostering a close relationship with a veterinarian is highlighted throughout the site and caregivers are encouraged to contact their veterinarian for both sick visits and vital routine preventive care check-ups. You care, we care, cat care. Join the Cat Community and visit:

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About the American Association of Feline Practitioners
The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) improves the health and welfare of cats by supporting high standards of practice, continuing education, and scientific investigation. The AAFP has a long-standing reputation and track record in the veterinary community for facilitating high standards of practice and publishes guidelines for practice excellence which are available to veterinarians at the AAFP website. Over the years, the AAFP has encouraged veterinarians to continuously re-evaluate preconceived notions of practice strategies in an effort to advance the quality of feline medicine practiced. Launched in 2012, the Cat Friendly Practice® (CFP) program was created to improve the treatment, handling, and overall healthcare provided to cats. Its purpose is to equip veterinary practices with the tools, resources, and information to elevate the standard of care provided to cats. Find more information at

About The Cat Community:
Powered by feline veterinarians, provides caregivers with credible, valuable, and reliable educational information. Caregivers come away from the site learning more about their cat’s innate behaviors, the importance of routine veterinary care, how to take great care of their cat, and be able to answer many of their most pressing questions. The website was created by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) with the goal of creating an online community of cat caregivers who want to provide the very best care for their cat. For more information, visit:


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