Give Me Social, Give Me A Show, Here Come The Millennials! #GlobalPetExpo


Armed with our iPhones, iPads, and a list of 1,200 companies with a story to tell, Goodnewsforpets headed to #GlobalPetExpo.

Boy, did we have fun last week! It was great to see old friends and meet some new ones, discuss the trends, issues facing the industry and learn about new products. First stop was the New Product Showcase. We shared quite a bit on Twitter @goodnewsforpets, live tweeting events and presentations and showing what caught our eye in product showcases. I shared my own observations on Social on Twitter @lgerminder.  Look for more products from this year and year-round in the Hot Products Showcase, as well as the latest on all pet industry shows, veterinary conferences and pet holidays in future posts and newsletters.

According to APPA data announced by Bob Vetere at the show, pet industry spending is at an all-time high at $66.75 billion, up from $60.28 billion in 2015. Long suspected but now confirmed, according to the APPA’s 2017-2018 Pet Owner Survey, Millennials are now the primary pet-owning demographic at 35 percent of all pet owners, beating Baby Boomers by three percentage points.

The assortment and the pace of new product introductions at Global Pet Expo reflected this trend. Millennials’ preference to pamper both their dogs and cats were evident throughout the show with various offerings. Both longtime brands and new ones on the scene included a number of interactive toys, high tech, aromatherapy & skin products, fashion gear in a solid range of price points. The category of wellness and preventative products to “bridge the gap between veterinary visits” as one company commented, continues to grow.

Another industry veteran commented, “The pet industry has become like the fashion industry. To get millennials into the stores you have to have something new and fresh all the time.”

Usually I can say we can wrap up our coverage on the Goodnewsforpets site in one issue, but with this particular show, far from it! With a sold-out expo, so many products, issues and trends to cover, it will be a long road before we’re tapped out on material – 18 miles of it to be exact!

Now with the Millennials on the Scene, stay tuned!



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