Manolita Moore Named First Non-Vet Germinder20 Power of Pink Honoree


Story Focuses on Digital Innovation

She’s got the formula. She’s transformative, she’s innovative and progressive, but she knows how to take care of herself – and others. For her early and continued innovations in the digital space, her warm professional demeanor and passionate commitment to the veterinary profession, Manolita Moore, MBA, has been named the first non-veterinarian Germinder + Associates 20th Anniversary Power of Pink Honoree. She has chosen the Pixel Fund for her #PowerofPink designated donation. #Germinder20 #PowerofPinkHonoree #DigitalInnovation

Moore is Vice President of Exhibit Sales & Operations for the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC). Prior to joining NAVC, she spent nearly seventeen years at Western Veterinary Conference (WVC), helping transform the association into one of the world’s largest and highly sought-after continuing education providers in the world. Now at NAVC she is an integral part of the management team transforming that organization. In announcing the award, Germinder + Associates President Lea-Ann Germinder said,

Manolita Moore, MBA

I’ve worked with Manolita in countless scenarios for almost two decades – as a client, as an agency representing major exhibitors to being a client exhibiting at VMX. Manolita is always seeking innovative solutions to seemingly impossible tasks. And, she approaches it all with her warm, friendly demeanor. Not looking down at you, but looking up with you. It’s refreshing and  reassuring and one of the many keys to her success.”

As mother of two children with a tireless work ethic, she and editor Lea-Ann Germinder share the experience of working in organized veterinary medicine for many years – without being a veterinarian. They first met in 2000 during Germinder + Associates’ handling of the WVC account and the launch of Germinder is sharing her story as part of the celebration of Germinder’s 20th Anniversary celebration.

“Being one of the Power of Pink Honorees is a major honor, especially as a non-veterinarian. I am extremely humbled and honored to be in the same company with other honorees whose accomplishments are far greater and significant than mine. I am also very fortunate to have worked with so many amazing and talented individuals in the veterinary industry over the years. Lea-Ann is one of them. As a female leader and entrepreneur, I respect and admire her work. As a client, she delivers and does an outstanding job. As an exhibitor, she is so easy to work with. And, as a person and a female colleague, she is real and very down to earth.”

Moore has designated The Pixel Fund as the recipient of a donation from a special Germinder + Associates 20th Anniversary Fund in her honor. The Pixel Fund is a division of Pixel’s Posse, and operates with an all-volunteer team, including its board of directors. They rely on their dedicated network of fosters and rescue partners to pull pets to safety from high kill shelters, get them healthy and ready for adoption.

The Power of Pink: A Personal Story was announced in January 2018 as part of the celebration of Germinder’s 20thAnniversary Year. The women’s storytelling initiative not only highlights the founder’s story, but also shines a spotlight on 20 leaders whose stories have touched and inspired Germinder to success. To date Honorees named and their designated donations include Debra Horwitz, DVM, DACVB (Missouri Humane Society), Heidi Lobprise, DVM, DAVDS (Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dogs), and Elizabeth Colleran, DVM, MS,DABVP (Winn Feline Foundation), Dan Richardson, DVM, DACVS (Stormont-Vail Foundation Care Line) have been named as Honorees. Additional Honorees will be named throughout 2018. Links to personal interviews with each honoree are also featured here.

Germinder + Associates provides communications services for the pet/vet sector and other niche industries. The woman-owned company was founded by Lea-Ann O’Hare Germinder, APR, Fellow PRSA in Kansas City and has offices in New York City and Kansas City. The company connects and consults with executives in both established companies and organizations interested in entering the vet and pet industries in the U.S.™ combines an award-winning website and social media channels to curate news of interest and importance to pet parents, veterinary professionals and the pet industry. Editorial, contests, sponsored content distribution and advertising are available.

GNFP Digital™ provides a wide range of digital services including digital audits, standard or custom infographics, topic specific modules and branded content implementation. The custom digital content development and distribution services are offered for national brands, veterinary practices and other niche markets.


Graphic, photo & full Moore bio available



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