It’s Show Time and Reflecting On A CWA Partnership


Lea Ann Germinder and Amy ShojaiThis is the busiest time of year for vet and pet shows and conferences. Not that I’m complaining about the chance to cuddle up with a few pets and spend time with very special pet loving friends! VMX2020 just ended, I just attended the AKC Meet the Breeds in NYC. In a few short weeks it’s on to the DWAA Dinner, Westminster and then Western Veterinary Conference and Global Pet Expo convenes. You get the picture!

In 2000, we were hard at work forming partnerships to launch Since that time the site has been through several relaunches, we’ve added digital platforms, but I’m happy to say as we celebrate the 20th anniversary, many of the core relationships have remained intact. This week we posted our interview with the unstoppable Carol Bryant, current president of the DWAA. DWAA was one of the first media partners of the site, and the late Mordecai Siegal was president at the time. Carol and DWAA  were incredibly gracious with their congratulatory tribute and I am so happy we are sponsoring an award yet again this year.

This week we interview Amy Shojai, so treasured as she stepped up to the purrlate and said, YES the CWA would join Goodnewsforpets as the first media sponsor. So many, many good things have come from that relationship, not the least has been an enduring collaboration with CWA. Since that time I’ve worked with many wonderful CWA presidents including the current president Deb Barnes.

It’s prescient that even before that collaboration I met Amy in Kansas City, Missouri where the Germinder/ team of Shelli Manning, Amy Davis and Yulan Studio helped create Since that time, at Steve Dale’s suggestion, we promoted, publicized and interviewed individual CWA writers. We’ve promoted the contest and the winners. I’ve spoken at the conference itself many times. And we’ve sponsored the conference and recruited sponsors. You might ask why CWA? Because this is indeed a very very special group. I will never forget that CWA and in particular Amy Shojai was there with support and encouragement and collaboration at the beginning. In Internet life that might as well be a lifetime, but heck, who’s counting, we’re celebrating. Together.

Thank you Amy, and thank you CWA! Enjoy her interview and check out her books.

Note: Updated from an earlier 1/24/20 post. 



  1. I love that picture! And I adore our friendship, too. What a wonderful world, where we get to share our passions with like-minded professionals. Congrats again (clink-clink!) toasting with a virtual catnip-y beverage!

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