It’s Raining Cat and Dog Writer News, and Vets Too, Yahoo!


CWA 25th Anniversary LogoThe CWA and the Dog Writers Association of America have been media partners of since its launch in 2000. So, it’s with great pride in this 18th year of and 20th anniversary year of Germinder + Associates that we are still celebrating the award-winning work of both organization’s members. This week the CWA  is announcing the date and location of their 25th Anniversary Banquet Celebration. We’re thrilled to be an integral part of that celebration. That’s no small feat to endure for 25 years and with the success of last year’s conference we expect the conference to be the best yet. The contest will open soon and we’ll help get the word out there too.

This week we are also announcing the keynote speakers for DWAA TV Host Jill Rappaport and Radio Host Journalist DWAASteve Dale to speak at the 2019 DWAA Awards Banquet.  With the venerable DWAA contest closing next weekend, we’re quite sure DWAA members are hard at work laboring to finalize their entries. Good for them and good luck!

NY Vet LogoIn other news, we’re helping spread the word about the NY Vet show again, scheduled in New York Jacob Javits Center November 8-9, 2019. Not only do we love the pink of that conference, we’ll have a booth again and I’ll be speaking twice.


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