Interzoo 2022 Convenes After Four Year Pandemic Break


Interzoo 2022 Entrance

Interzoo is back. After a four year hiatus caused by the pandemic, Interzoo 2022 brings the international pet supplies industry together in Nuremberg May 24-27. With about 4,000 products from the various segments providing new inspiration and showing where to go to from here: The current trend is for more sustainability, more premium quality and more digital support.

The show organizers, WZFGmbH- Pet Industry Services, reports a high level of international participation, with more than 1,300 exhibitors from over 60 countries attending the in-person trade fair in Nuremberg from May 24 to 27, along with visitors from 110 countries.

The United States is number four in exhibiting companies.Germany accounts for the largest share of the exhibiting companies with 276 exhibitors, followed by Italy with 120, the UK (101), the US (73), the Netherlands (72), and many other countries from every continent.1

The trade fair activities are shared between 12 halls with three entrances this year, a full supporting program, and digital support for scheduling and participating in the fair offered by the new Interzoo app.

The importance of pets has grown still further since the Covid-19 pandemic and the measures put in place in connection with it. According to the Skopos study commissioned by the Pet Supplies Industry Association (Industrieverband Heimtierbedarf, IVH) and the German Pet Trade & Industry Association (Zentralverband Zoologischer Fachbetriebe, ZZF), just under half of all households and 69 percent of families with children have at least one animal companion. Last year, there were 16.7 million cats, 10.3 million dogs, 4.6 million small animals, 3.1 million pet birds and many more millions of pet fish and terrarium species in Germany.

Pet owners paid their animals even more attention than usual: Health- promoting pet care articles, premium food, snack rewards, and also new aquariums and enclosures were bought in greater numbers, and the pet supplies market enjoyed pleasing growth accordingly. Last year, pet owners spent about € 6 billion on their animals, or about 6 percent more than the year before. Growth in online revenue was particularly strong – up 28.4 percent to about € 1 billion.

Germany top in European revenue ranking

The surge in growth on the German market catapulted Germany to top position in the European revenue ranking last year, followed closely by the UK and France. The pet market in Western Europe grew by 4.5 percent in total. Globally, the market grew by as much as 9.6 percent, reaching a market volume of € 135 billion according to Euromonitor International.

The largest pet markets are North America, with revenue of € 58.4 billion, and Western Europe, at € 29.8 billion. There was also substantial growth in the Asia-Pacific region, with pet owners there spending almost € 23 billion on pet supplies in 2021.

ZZF President Norbert Holthenrich ventures a look into the future: “It’s uncertain whether this positive trend will continue. Supply chains were severely disrupted during the pandemic, with delivery bottlenecks and production problems as a consequence. The commercial world as a whole is currently suffering from a major shortage of raw materials, and increased prices when they are available.” He remains confident, however: “Ensuring the right care for our animals will continue to be a high priority for many pet lovers in the coming year. The pet industry is also inventive, and will continue developing products for the benefit of our pets, even under the new prevailing conditions. The exhibitors at this year’s Interzoo make that quite clear.”

Familiar brands and young companies on site at Interzoo 2022

Interzoo 2022 offers a platform to facilitate or bolster additional business connections. Gordon Bonnet, Managing Director WZF and ZZF, comments: “Just under a year ago, we brought the pet supplies industry together online at This year, familiar brands and young companies will be able to display their new products on site and in person. They will offer opportunities for trade and inspiration at their own trade fair stands, in country pavilions, in the Product Showcase or on the Fresh Ideas Stage. That will bring them face to face and directly into conversation with potential customers. Even so, there will still be a purpose and a place for digital products and services. The unbeatable advantages offered by our in-person trade fairs are the pleasure of discovering something new, experiences using all our senses, and direct personal interaction with good friends and new acquaintances. This is where we can directly experience what the pet supplies market can offer right now, and what’s being anticipated for the future!”

1 All given figures date from 10 May 2022.

Source: Interzoo Press Release


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