In Search of the Dogs of Paris – Pas Facile!


TwodogwalkersofparisParisians are quite fond of their pooches or so I had heard. While I was in Paris recently I wanted to see this interaction first-hand and bring some quality photos back to the Goodnewsforpets community. What I didn’t know and learned the hard way was there are no easy places to walk your dog in Paris, no dog parks in central Paris and most larger parks do not allow dogs in them.

However, there are select places to walk your dog and with a bit of due diligence I finally found one in the center of Paris, and a lovely one at that. I had been in Paris for a few days but still had not seen nary a dog sighting. The Paris train station where I was to take a train to the Meusse-Argonne had a lovely shop where bowls and assorted dishes proclaimed a love of both chiens and chats. While I stopped in the town of Nancy I was treated to a pet rabbit sitting quietly by it’s owner’s side, but she vanished with rabbit in hand before I could snap a photo. Still no dogs, or cats for that matter.


Now I wanted to discover some real dogs. A few days before I had discovered the Parisian style of Louis Vuitton’s Catogram but now I insisted on finding a real frolicking dog or two. Surely if I walked the length of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées I must see the dogs!

I struck out again in the early morning last week. The workers hurried to their jobs just as in New York City. The elegant shops were still closed. I consulted the map on my phone and saw a park that must have potential. I started to walk briskly and was glad I had my backpack and pouch from the day before. My Timberland walking boots were also perfect.

I reached the edge of a small park and spied two women walking their dogs but they quickly disappeared. Aha! The park must be full! Non! Empty! Save for the bountiful flowers and walkways the park was deserted. I walked for several more minutes, capturing the beautiful sights but no dogs nor people at leisure. There were many French gates left from the security measures taken from Armistice Day. When I asked a security officer where are the dogs, he replied, “You like dogs?” as if this was a strange request!

While I was enamored with the beautiful architecture, I had to find “my dogs.” I resorted to online again, searching for “Where to walk your dog in Paris” and located the Jardin du Palais Royal. It was straight north and I began the trek.

As I reached the Louvre I found some dogs. A dog off leash, a security dog. I was relieved. I found two ladies walking their dogs, two ladies discussing life while their dogs stood beside them.

I made a short stop to get some water then on to the garden. Near the edge of the Jardin du Palais Royal was – jackpot! The quintessential finely dressed French lady walking her dog with her friend. I snapped a few photos and then snapped the gardens. Was that it?

Dog WalkersofParisI snapped a painter. I was about to leave when I saw “my” French lady strike up a conversation. And then….more dogs! Dogs playing, jumping, running, a new group of ladies reveling in their play. I had found the dogs. While it had been a journey, it had been worth it.

On my walk back I scored again, a pug no less! For the dogs and their lovely caregivers, the journey down the full length of the Champs- Élysées had been worth every step. If you are going to Paris, lesson learned, check out the spots to see the dogs in advance (I did know I admit it I got jammed up with assignments :(. The Jardin du Palais Royal is certainly a lovely spot and I highly recommend it for both the dogs and the ambiance. For up to the minute advise, check out “Where to walk your dog in Paris or you can find the source I consulted here.

For veterinarians and industry interested, the France Vet show takes place June 14-15, 2019 in Porte de Versailles, Paris.


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