Happy Cat Month: Creating Value for You and Your Cat


Our Happy Cat Month celebration continues with week four focusing on how to keep your cat feeling happy and valued as a companion and creature.

With the ever present love and affection you have for your cat, it may feel like a given that you value your feline friend. However, it is both important and constructive to take a step back and truly appreciate all of the wonderful privileges and purrks that come along with having a cat companion, as well as to make sure you are properly expressing this appreciation to your cat.

Owning a cat reduces stress and has health benefits.After a long, exhausting day at work, there may be nothing more relaxing than going home and laying on the couch while your fluffy feline happily joins you and calms you with their gentle purring. There’s nothing required of you except some well-received petting and scratching, and maybe even telling them about your day. Spending time with a cat can boost your mood and reduce stress. Studies also show that the simple act of petting a cat can be beneficial to one’s health – both for the action itself and from the purrs that result.

In addition to adding value to their human’s lives, cats can also be shown how much they are valued by:

Ensuring your cat is properly identified. In addition to a collar and identification tag, owners should microchip their feline friend. If a cat ever escapes or gets lost, having this type of permanent ID will make a reunion between you and your pet much more likely.

Visiting a veterinarian. Healthy cats are happy cats. While some owners may dread a trip to the veterinarian with their cat, there are many cat-friendly veterinary practices or doctors who specialize in felines and will gladly show owners how pleasant a trip to the veterinarian can be. The American Association of Feline Practitioners has a list of veterinary practices that have earned a “cat friendly” designation. There is likely one near you.

Just remember, though September is coming to a close and Happy Cat Month is ending, it doesn’t mean the end of celebrating the cat (or their happiness). Treat every day like Happy Cat Month – ensure your pet is cared for, enriched, and valued – and in return they will give you a lifetime of amazing companionship.

Source: CATalyst Council

Feature photo “Happy Cat” by Sharon, used under a creative commons license.


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