Good News For Pets Brings It Home: Exhibits at New York Vet


Goodnewsforpets™ Welcomes Opportunity to Promote New York City Headquarters

Germinder & Associates, publisher of the award-winning & its newly launched GNFP Digital Services will be exhibiting in booth 584 at the first #NewYorkVet expo taking place November 9-10, 2017.  The company’s Goodnewsforpets™ booth 584 will highlight the features of the Goodnewsforpets site of interest to the veterinary community and promotional activities featuring New York City centric products, businesses and services for pets.

“Goodnewsforpets is a news site we launched almost 18 years ago in Las Vegas to help educate the public about good news in veterinary medicine but the site has evolved.  I grew up in New York, we’re headquartered in New York City, and New York Vet seemed like the perfect venue to reintroduce the site to the veterinary community. We look forward to dialoguing about the site and how we can best showcase veterinary medicine and continue to educate the public. Plus, we will have some fun with a few New York centric promotional activities,” said Lea-Ann Germinder, publisher of

New York VET Show stephen knowlesNew York Vet is a new, energized learning experience with practical, essential topics selected by the veterinarians who bring you Clinician’s Brief. With three clinical streams, a business theater and sponsor-led workshops; the conference program will be a fantastic opportunity to listen to – interact with – some of the leading thinkers, visionaries and practitioners in small animal medicine.

At its core, New York Vet strives to provide highly practical content that can be consumed in minimal time. The event brings unique new formats of immediately applicable clinical and business information in a live event. And what better place for a show of this purpose and quality, than New York City – a city that is constantly on the move.

Lea-Ann Germinder, APR Fellow PRSA and her teams have successfully launched more than 125 campaigns introducing pet products and addressing issues in veterinary medicine. Launched earlier this year, GNFP Digital is now located with Goodnewsforpets at 747 Third Avenue, New York, New York. GNFP Digital combines the capabilities of our new digital strategy and development team with Germinder’s award-winning public relations and the publishing platform to create a true hybrid agency to serve all a client’s needs.

GNFP Digital applies Germinder’s well-honed brand of strategic counsel, spokesperson and crisis training expertise in the pet industry coupled with the latest expertise in the digital space. Reputation management services in the digital setting will also be offered. Any organization or professional seeking to either enhance or revamp their digital presence can benefit from the services.

About Goodnewsforpets has been published since 2000 by Germinder & Associates, Inc., an agency specializing in informing the public and related industry sectors about all good things pet related. curates news of interest and importance to informed pet parents inclusive of the veterinary profession and pet industry. The site and related social media channels share the good news that pets, and the people and organizations who care about them and for them, bring to all our lives. To provide editorial content and sponsorship opportunities, contact Lea-Ann Germinder at

About GNFP Digital/Germinder

GNFP Digital/Germinder combines the power of Germinder & Associates’ near 20 years public relations expertise with GNFP Digital’s real time social media expertise and the publishing platform. The award-winning full-service agency provides strategic counsel, digital publishing content and campaigns for niche markets including vet and pet industries and organizations. Iconic initiatives the agency has helped create include Pets Need Dental Care, Too!, The Catalyst Council, KNOW Heartworms and the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor. The woman-owned agency is a member of the PR Council. Agency founder Lea-Ann Germinder has won numerous awards including the Kansas City Business Journal Kauffman Foundation Women Who Mean Business Award. She is a member of the national Women Presidents’ Organization and many other leading women’s groups. The agency will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2018. Connect with GNFP Digital on Twitter and Facebook.


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