Global Pet Expo 2023 Wrap-up


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Attendees turned out in force for Global Pet Expo 2023. The American Pet Products Association (APPA) and Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA) hosted the pet industry’s premier international event and kickoff for trade show season on March 22-24 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

“It was thrilling to see more than 16,000 attendees across all categories of the pet industry come together for the highly anticipated Global Pet Expo 2023. We spent three days with our peers recognizing and celebrating our collective achievements and collaborating on shared opportunities,” said APPA President and CEO Peter Scott. “From invaluable networking events to education sessions from some of the most reputable experts in our field and more, Global Pet Expo is more than a trade show: it’s where the pet care community comes to do business because it drives ROI.”

Highlights from Global Pet Expo 2023 include:

  1. Global Pet Expo brings in millions of dollars to the Orlando Metropolitan area each year, with this year’s event representing over $41 million in local economic impact. The show also gives back to the community through its relationship with the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando: Exhibitors have the opportunity to donate products from their booths to the animal welfare community following the show. Animals from the Pet Alliance were also on-site at several exhibitor booths, giving attendees the opportunity to meet and adopt local rescue animals.

  2. The international pet care community had a particularly strong showing at this year’s event, with participation from exhibitors and buyers from 86 countries. The show featured dedicated Country Pavilions for exhibitors from Brazil, Canada, China and Taiwan.

  3. During this year’s event, Global Pet Expo kicked off numerous sustainability initiatives the team aims to grow for subsequent years with a goal of leaving the Orange County Convention Center and Orlando Metropolitan clean. This includes partnering with O-Town Compost and the convention center’s on-site recycling ambassadors to compost over 234 pounds of food and beverage waste that will turn into 75 lbs of nutrient rich compost.

  4. Scott announced the latest pet ownership and spending data from APPA during an invitation-only press conference. According to State of the Industry data, the national pet industry remains strong amid economic uncertainty, with sales approaching $137 billion across 87 million pet-owning U.S. households. Additional trends captured in the 2023-2024 APPA National Pet Owners Survey include pet ownership by generation, the effect of the economy on spending, shifts in where people are acquiring pets, trending product categories and more.

  5. The show floor was filled with products across numerous trending consumer categories. From technology to sustainable and eco-friendly products, this year’s event had it all, and the innovative spirit of the pet care community was palpable. Artie, providing home-cooked meals for pets at the touch of a button, was also named the Purina Pet Care Innovation Prize Grand Pitch winner.

  6. Sterling “TrapKing” Davis was recognized as the recipient of this year’s Annual Excellence in Journalism and Outstanding Contributions to the Pet Industry Award. The award recognizes individuals in the media who have the power to influence millions of people on the joys and benefits of pet ownership. Davis founded Trapking Humane Cat Solutions, a nonprofit dedicated to educating, assisting and doing trap neuter return and community cat management. Davis was selected as this year’s winner by fellow media attendees.

  7. New and unique offerings at this year’s show included an Exhibitor Success & ROI Center to provide proven-effective expert guidance and resources for exhibitors to achieve their business objectives and deliver measurable, financial value. Global Pet Expo debuted a new influencer program to build the show’s influencer network and help exhibitors establish and build their own influencer partnerships. First-time buyers were invited to hear tips and best practices to optimize their show experience during a new First Time Buyer Orientation.

  8. The Global Learning Series delivered more than 40 hours of educational content developed specifically for retailers, distributors, exhibitors and special interest groups in attendance. Nearly 2,000 attendees took part in this year’s sessions.

  9. The 13th annual New Products Showcase Awards winners were announced during Global Pet Expo’s “Best in Show” Awards ceremony. The Best in Show, second and third place honors were awarded across nine product categories, including aquatic, bird, boutique, cat, dog, natural, reptile, point of purchase and small animal. Winners are voted on by international and domestic buyers attending Global Pet Expo. With more than 1,000 submissions, this year’s awards were extremely competitive.

  10. Media interest in Global Pet Expo 2023 was unprecedented, with nearly 280 members of the media and influencers attending the event.

“The entire Global Pet Expo team was energized by the success of this year’s show. The event left us more optimistic than ever about the bright future of our industry,” said PIDA President Celeste Powers. “We plan to use this inspiration as we kick off planning for next year!”


Global Pet Expo 2024 will take place March 20-22, 2024, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

Source: Global Pet Expo press release


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