Dr. Andrea J. Fascetti Receives the 2016 AVMF/Winn Feline Foundation Research Award


​(COLUMBUS, Ohio August 1, 2016) — Dr. Andrea J. Fascetti, a professor of nutrition at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) School of Veterinary Medicine, has been named recipient of the 2016 American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF)/Winn Feline Foundation Research Award.

Fascetti, who received the award at the 2016 Merial-NIH National Veterinary Scholars Symposium, was recognized for her contributions to advancing feline health through her research, which focuses on nutrition and metabolism in companion animals, especially cats.

Fascetti-Andrea-200w“The selection of Dr. Fascetti for this prestigious award is a reflection of her outstanding work and research accomplishments in feline nutrition, which have had a significant positive impact on the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and the field of veterinary nutrition in general,” said Dr. John R. Brooks, chair, AVMF Board of Directors.

Fascetti is recognized internationally as a leader in feline nutrition. She is a highly productive researcher and a dedicated ambassador for improving feline health through carefully designed research. Her creative and scholarly activities, along with her ability to bring scientists from basic and clinical sciences together, have had considerable impact on the advancement of veterinary nutrition.

“Dr. Fascetti not only is an accomplished researcher and well-known expert in feline nutrition, but also has demonstrated her qualities as an effective collaborator, communicator and ambassador for this important field of study,” said Dr. Vicki Thayer, executive director, Winn Feline Foundation.

Dr. Fascetti has contributed to proceedings and book chapters, served as an effective liaison with the pet food industry, and is praised for her extensive record of service to academia and the profession of veterinary nutrition overall.

“Dr. Fascetti’s commitment to improving feline nutrition makes her a true asset to the profession,” said Dr. Roberto Alva, executive director, Merial Veterinary Scholars Program and head of Clinical R&D, Americas East. “I congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition and thank her for her contributions and dedication to the advancement of veterinary nutrition.”

Fascetti also is service chief for the Nutrition Support Service in the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at UC Davis, where, in addition, she serves as scientific director of the Feline Nutrition and Pet Care Center, the Feline Research Laboratory and the Amino Acid Laboratory. She has authored over 60 peer-reviewed publications and has also co-edited a textbook titled, “Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition.” Her current research interests are trace mineral and amino acid metabolism, obesity, carnivore nutrition, nutritional idiosyncrasies of the cat, improvement of pet foods and clinical nutrition. Fascetti received her Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, and her doctoral degree in nutrition from UC Davis.

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