Companies Can Apply Now to Present at 2016 Kansas City Animal Health Investment Forum



Forum showcases early and mid-stage animal health and nutrition companies to investors and partners

Kansas City, Mo.  – The Kansas City Animal Health Corridor is now accepting applications for the eighth annual KC Animal Health Investment Forum August 30, 2016, in Kansas City, Mo.  Animal health and nutrition companies from around the world seeking funding must submit applications by April 15, 2016.

The Forum offers one of the only opportunities in the world for early-stage companies in the animal health and nutrition sectors to present their vision and business plan to potential investors.  The selection committee will consider companies that meet the following criteria of seeking:

  • $500,000 to $20 million in funding
  • Revenue projections of $20 million within five to seven years

Presenting companies are selected by a national committee of experts in agricultural and animal health investment opportunities. Forum attendees will include representatives from venture capital funds, investment firms, corporate R&D and business development professionals.

“We’re thrilled that the Forum has provided a unique opportunity for venture capital and investment firms to hear from emerging animal health companies with the newest technologies,” says Kimberly Young, president, KC Animal Health Corridor.

“Companies with a strategic location in the KC Animal Health Corridor now represent 56 percent of total worldwide animal health, diagnostics and pet food sales.”

Companies presenting at the first seven KC Animal Health Investment Forums have raised more than $165 million. Several have also received licensing agreements or distribution contracts.

Recent success stories include Traverse Biosciences, Inc.; FitBark, Inc.; AGL; Prommune, Inc.; CK9; TVAX Animal Health; VetDC, Inc.; Jaguar Animal Health and Nexvet Biopharma.

Companies wishing to apply for the 2016 Forum may visit the application page.

About the KC Animal Health Corridor

Companies with a business location in the KC Animal Health Corridor account for more than half of the sales generated by the global animal health industry. The Corridor, anchored by Manhattan, Kansas, and Columbia, Missouri, is home to more than 300 animal health companies, representing the largest concentration in the world. For more information, visit





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