Cat Writers Live Google Hang Out on April 27: The International Cat Association


Cat Writers’ Association president Marci Kladnik learns more about THE INTERNATIONAL CAT ASSOCIATION (TICA) and cat shows in a live GOOGLE HANGOUT interview event, to be broadcast Wednesday April 27, 2016, from 2:30-3:00 pm Eastern Time. The event is available to the public, and also will be recorded and available on YouTube to view and share following the live broadcast.

Direct URL link:



CHERYL HOGAN, an Approved Speciality Judge with TICA, has been judging since 1986, and is very involved in the world of cats, not only attending shows but also pet expos and veterinary conferences. Among other things, you can expect the interview to cover:

  • What is TICA
  • Ways Cat Shows Bring Families (Kids, too!) Together
  • How TICA advocates for the welfare & health of all cats (not just pedigreed cats)
  • Cat Personality & How Kitty Matchmaking Helps Keep Cats in Homes
  • Why (and How) TICA Partners With the Cat Writers’ Association

The CWA hosts this interview in appreciation that the TICA qualified as an “early bird” sponsor of our conference events and a prestigious contest award, the KARI WINTERS RESCUE AND REHABILITATION AWARD presented at the CWA conference events, to be held in conjunction with BlogPaws Conference events in June.


CWA will again offer time slots for book signing opportunities at our CWA Exhibit Booth during the CWA/BlogPaws Conference to qualified attendees. Details are still being worked out, but here are the quick notes:

  1. To participate you MUST be registered for the entire conference. Here is the link.
  2. PRIORITY shall be given to those ALSO registered for the CWA Awards Banquet. Here is the Banquet registration page.
  3. YOU are responsible for getting books to/from the conference, for any sales, and collecting/reporting any sales tax. Hotel shipping info will be provided to confirmed authors.
  4. There is a JUNE 1st DEADLINE to apply.
  5. NOTE: If you are a SPEAKER this year (on the CWA or BlogPaws track) DO NOT apply for this–there will be a separate SPEAKERS ONLY signing event.

Fran Shaw will be coordinating the book-signing.

Amy Shojai, CABC
CWA Events/Conference Chair

p.s., BIG THANKS to WEEMS HUTTO for getting the CWA Website back online today in less than 20 minutes after an update/crash.


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