Betta: The Perfect Fish For A Fish Bowl

By Steve Dale

It’s a mistake to feed your betta fish (Siamese fighting fish) only fish flakes, according to aquarist Dave Taub, of Contemporary Aquarium Design in Coral Springs, Fla., a former betta fish breeder of 13 years. Frozen bloodworms should be about 60 to 80 percent of a betta fish diet. You can fill out the remaining percent depending on availability – since some of these foods can be hard to come by. Here’s what you can choose from: freeze-dried bloodworms, frozen mosquito larvae, freeze-dried mosquito larvae, freeze-dried tubifex worms, freeze-dried brine shrimp and freeze-dried chopped beef hearts. Best of all, if you can find them, offer live bloodworms. To a betta (Siamese fighting fish), a live bloodworm is even better than a chocolate bar. Yummy.

America’s best friend with fins is the goldfish. But this is a long-standing disservice to goldfish. A far better choice for a carnival prize fish in a plastic bag is the betta or Siamese fighting fish.

Here’s the sad truth: goldfish don’t like living in bowls. That’s why after only a few days – or if you’re lucky, a few months – little Johnny or Janie will say, “Look, Moby is floating on the water.” Goldfish do much better in a tank with a filter system. But betta fish thrive in turbid water.

Bettas are hardier than goldfish, and way more suited to life in a bowl. When the water begins to become foul and oxygen deficient, that’s about the time a goldfish begins to fail, and eventually goes belly up. A betta fish doesn’t much care; it just reaches above the surface and takes in a breath of fresh air. Betta’s have a rudimentary lung-like organ called a labyrinth.

Note: This article is copyrighted by Steve Dale and can be used as source material and for reference only. It cannot be reprinted verbatim. Please contact Steve Dale at if you have any questions.


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