AVMA creates Pet Evacuation Kit for those in path of Hurricane Irma


Veterinary experts available to speak about storm’s impact on pets, livestock and wildlife

With Hurricane Irma bearing down on Florida, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has developed a Pet Evacuation Kit to help those in the storm’s path safely account for their pets as they prepare to leave the area.

umbrella dog hurricane disaster preparednessAVMA’s Pet Evacuation Kit provides a checklist of essential items and tasks that pet owners should include and account for before evacuating. This includes:

  • Food and Medicine
  • First Aid Kit
  • Sanitation
  • Important Documents
  • Travel Supplies
  • Comfort Items

The Pet Evacuation Kit is available along with other disaster preparation resources on the AVMA website at https://www.avma.org/public/EmergencyCare/Pages/Pets-and-Disasters.aspx.

For more information, or to speak with an AVMA expert about how the hurricane may affect the health and welfare of pets, livestock, and wildlife, contact Michael San Filippo, AVMA senior media relations specialist, at 847-285-6687 (office), 847-732-6194 (cell), or msanfilippo@avma.org.

The AVMA, founded in 1863, is one of the oldest and largest veterinary medical organizations in the world, with more than 89,000 member veterinarians worldwide engaged in a wide variety of professional activities and dedicated to the art and science of veterinary medicine. Visit www.avma.org for more information.


Source American Veterinary Medical Association


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