AVMA Convention 2020 Cancelled Due to COVID-19 Concerns



After much discussion and careful deliberation, the AVMA has made the difficult decision to cancel its annual Convention 2020 (July 31-August 4) in San Diego, as well as the Cannabis Symposium and other meetings related to the convention. This was no easy decision.

John Howe“We continue to be inspired by the strength, flexibility and support the veterinary community has exhibited during this crisis and thank the veterinary profession for operating as essential businesses during this unprecedented time,” said AVMA President Dr. John Howe. “While we’re extremely disappointed to cancel this year’s event, we’re looking forward to AVMA Convention returning stronger than ever next year in Minneapolis.”


With the unprecedented, rapidly-changing times related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has been closely monitoring the situation and following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization (WHO) and local government officials, especially as it relates to AVMA Convention 2020. The AVMA’s top priority is the health, safety and well-being of the veterinary community and AVMA Convention attendees, vendors, speakers and exhibitors.

With so much uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, and as a science-based, one health organization, the AVMA determined there was no way to ensure the health and safety of convention attendees by the end of July.  All registrations and hotel reservations made in the official AVMA block will be cancelled on registrants’ behalf. All registration fees will be fully refunded and, if applicable, registrants will have their hotel deposits refunded within 90 days. The current situation has caused a significant backlog and the AVMA will be processing individual refunds as quickly as possible. For airline bookings, registrants should follow up with their travel agents or air carriers directly. Those who booked hotels outside the AVMA block will need to follow up with the hotel directly.

Today, as always, the AVMA is committed to providing high-quality education and professional development. The AVMA is currently exploring the potential for virtual conference options as an alternative meeting. More details will be shared in the coming weeks.  The AVMA encourages everyone to visit avma.org/Coronavirus to keep up to date on the latest COVID-19 information, as well as tools and resources to help veterinarians, their teams and their practices during this time.

“As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Goodnewsforpets.com this year, attending AVMA was to be one of our key events and we were looking forward to meeting with so many in the veterinary community. A particular interest was the the CBD symposium, so we share in the association and its members’ dissappointment. This is a conference we look forward to covering every year, but absolutely the health and safety of everyone is paramount. Thank you to AVMA for all the organization is doing to share COVID-19 scientific information with the veterinary community and the pet-owning public online. We look forward to hearing how the virtual conference options will unfold. Stay safe and well everyone,” said Lea-Ann Germinder, Editor and Publisher of Goodnewsforpets.com.

The AVMA notes if attendees have any questions related to the convention, you can reach out to the AVMA by email convention@avma.org or phone 800-248-2862



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