Animals that Heal: the Role of Service Dogs and Emotional Support Animals in Mental Health Treatment


There are two very important holidays this month. It is both National Pet Month and National Mental Health Awareness Month.

With pets being a man’s bestfriend, it is important to note the huge connection that these very special movements have. In times of sadness, pets are always there, even when no one else is. In, Animals That Heal: The Role of Service Dogs and Emotional Support Animals in Mental Health Treatment, Stephanie L. Taylor mashes the two and writes about Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals and the positive impact they have had on the lives of many humans around the world.

Animals That Heal

This book also serves as a guide to Psychiatric Service and Emotional Support Animals. As an author and service dog handler, Taylor helps one to begin their own service dog journey with the resource she wishes she’d had when she started. She also speaks on how although these animals create such a positive outcome, the conversations surrounding them tend to come with a handful of misinformation. To change this, Taylor outlines the benefits of how service and support animals can help those with mental illness and help people lead fuller lives. To help ones understanding of animals that heal, the author provides lessons on; how understand the history, psychology, laws involved, as well as how to go about adding a service dog to your care plan and how to find which service animal is right based on ones needs.

About Stephanie L. Taylor

Stephanie L. Taylor grew up in the country in Indiana. Growing up animals had always been a part of her life: cats, dogs, horses. When she got into psychology she knew that she wanted to somehow merge her love of animals with her career in counseling. She didn’t want to just stop at animal-assisted therapy but help people explore all their options which led to using service dogs and emotional support animals.

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