Lawmakers Experience Wet Noses, Wagging Tails at Pet Night on Capitol Hill


Pet Leadership Council and Human Animal Bond Research Initiative Host Pet Night on Capitol Hill

pet night capitol hillThe Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI) Foundation and the Pet Leadership Council, brought the power of pets to Capitol Hill September 20th, with their inaugural Pet Night on Capitol Hill event, delivering the message that pets are important for human health and quality of life. The Pet Leadership Council and HABRI also conferred Pets’ Best Friend awards on several members of Congress, many of whom own pets as cherished members of their families.

“Pet Night is an opportunity to remind our elected representatives that more than 80 million households have pets, and there is growing scientific evidence that pet ownership leads to enhanced quality of life for both people and animals,” said Bob Vetere, Pet Leadership Council Chairman. “Not only do pets relieve stress, support healthy aging and improve heart health, they also help families dealing with cancer, autism and Alzheimer’s disease.”

Guests at the event in the Cannon House Office Building were treated to “bonding time” with a host of therapy animals, as well as colorful Betta fish in aquarium displays. They also heard from pet industry leaders, the veterinary community, animal welfare advocates and research organizations to learn about the importance of pet ownership in America.

“Research has also shown that communities with more pets have stronger social bonds. Not only can we learn good behavior and important life lessons from our pets, it turns out that pets are also good public policy,” Vetere added.

Pet Night on Capitol Hill is an annual event. For more information, please visit

The Pet Leadership Council is made up of pet industry leaders, animal welfare, veterinarians and academia and advocates for pets and those who serve and support them by promoting responsible pet ownership and educating the public on efforts to improve the health and wellbeing of companion animals. For more information, please visit

The HABRI Foundation maintains the world’s largest online library of human-animal bond research and information; funds innovative research projects to scientifically document the health benefits of companion animals; and informs the public about human-animal bond research and the beneficial role of companion animals in society. For more information about the HABRI Foundation, please visit


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