A Cat Writer’s Google Hangout April 5: Why Cats Get Fewer Vet Visits & More


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Cat Writers Association president Marci Kladnik explores the American Association of Feline Practitioners in a live GOOGLE HANGOUT interview event broadcast Tuesday April 5, 2016 from 6:30-7:00 pm Eastern Time. The event is available to the public, and also will be recorded and available on YouTube to view and share following the live broadcast.

Dr. Elizabeth Colleran, a veterinarian specializing in feline medicine, will answer questions about AAFP and address some of the most pressing issues for cat lovers, including:

  • Myth-Busting Common Cat Behaviors
  • Why Cats Get Fewer Vet Visits
  • The benefits of a CAT FRIENDLY PRACTICE

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The CWA hosts this interview in appreciation that the AAFP qualified as an “early bird” sponsor of our conference events and a prestigious contest award, the AAFP CAT FRIENDLY AWARD. Dr. Colleran also will be part of the “FEAR FREE HOT TOPICS FOR PET-CENTRIC WRITERS at the CWA conference events, held in conjunction with the BlogPaws in June.

Here is the direct link to watch the event–PLEASE SHARE with all your cat loving friends!

FYI: Google and YouTube recently changed all their settings, so this direct link (above) is the best way to access the event and has been shared on the “google hangouts” invitation sent earlier. Every effort will be made to address questions from the viewers, too.



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