Women’s Veterinary Leadership Development Initiative Announces AVMA 2014 Sessions

Ceva Animal Health Sponsors & Participates in the Conversation


(DENVER- AVMA CONVENTION – July 24, 2014) – We’re celebrating! The Women’s Veterinary Leadership Development Initiative (WVLDI) will host several sessions at the AVMA 2014 Annual Convention in Denver, Colorado. At the conclusion of the sessions the Initiative will mark the start of the movement at the end of the final session with brief remarks by Dr. Bradley, a celebratory photo op and cake.

“The WVLDI board is thrilled to offer these programs and a forum for discussion so early in our development. We thank the AVMA and Ceva Animal Health for their support and look forward to growing our programming and helping develop tomorrow’s leaders to benefit the profession,” said Dr. Karen Bradley, President of the WVLDI.

Inaugural industry sponsor Ceva Animal Health is both underwriting activities and participating in the conversation. A featured presenter is Dr. Karen Padgett, Chief Operating Officer of Ceva Animal Health.

“Ceva Animal Health is pleased to help foster a spirit of entrepreneurial leadership and encourage conversations about what it takes to nurture and grow women leaders within the veterinary profession through WVLDI. It’s an important time within WVLDI and within veterinary medicine to have an impact,” said Dr. Padgett.


The schedule of the programs is as follows:

“Develop Practical Skills for Becoming Confident & Effective Leaders”

Women’s Leadership Development Workshop & Interactive Lab

Friday, July 25th

1:00 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.

Colorado Convention Center, Room 702

This popular half-day workshop will be taught by Dr. Donald Smith, Dean Emeritus, Cornell School of Veterinary Medicine and Ms. Julie Kumble, Interim CEO of the Womens’ Fund of Western Massachusetts, both founding members of the WVLDI Board of Directors. The program is built upon research from interviewing over 50 women leaders in organized veterinary medicine, clinical practice, academia and industry. Drew Enders, a Cornell veterinary student shared these observations on the benefits of attending the class on Dr. Donald Smith’s Veritas blog.


“The Initiative to Develop Women Leaders in Veterinary Medicine”

Hot Topics Session

Sunday, July 27th

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Colorado Convention Center, Room 207

Each year, the AVMA Convention highlights the most current issues in veterinary medicine in its exciting Hot Topics session. The WVLDI is proud to present about its work to date on developing women leaders in the profession in this Hot Topics session. Drs. Karen Bradley and Stacy Pritt will review the origins of the WVLDI and future directions.


Women’s Leadership Development Symposium

Monday, July 28th

8:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.

Colorado Convention Center

WVLDI board members will present information about the gap in women at the highest levels of leadership across the professions and specifics from the world of veterinary medicine. Real world solutions, best practices and a panel discussion will follow with some of today’s top women leaders from all areas of veterinary medicine (clinical practice, organized veterinary medicine, corporate, and academia). Dr. Karen Padgett will participate in the panel discussion.


8:00 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.

Women’s Leadership: Minding the Gap and Sharing Solutions

A one-hour session presenting information about the gap in women at the highest levels of leadership across the professions and specific examples from the world of veterinary medicine.  Ways we can strive for solutions will also be covered and best practices in professional settings.


•      Dr. Donald F. Smith

•      Ms. Julie Kumble


9:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m.

Women of Vetlandia: Secrets to Success in the World of Organized Veterinary Medicine

A one-hour presentation on the volunteer opportunities at the national, local/state, and professional association levels and tips to get started and active.  Veterans of the association world will share their tips and pearls for attendees interested in veterinary leadership.


•      Dr. Douglas G. Aspros

•      Dr. Karen M. Bradley

•      Dr. Eleanor Green

•      Dr. Stacy Pritt

•      Dr. Lori Teller


10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.

Stories from the Trenches: Leaders from Multiple Areas of Veterinary Medicine Share Experiences and Lessons Learned

A one-hour session comprised of pearls from the varied segments of our profession.  Women who have successfully navigated leadership pathways in their career and volunteer lives will share with you pearls and experiences for inspiration (corporate and government careers, academia, volunteer/association fields will be represented).


•      Dr. Rachel Cezar

•      Dr. Karen Padgett

•      Dr. Valerie Ragan

•      Dr. Eleanor Green


11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.

Round Table Wrap Up: Q & A and Healthy Discussion


A one-hour opportunity to ask the hard questions and have frank discussion of the issues surrounding low numbers of women veterinarians in leadership roles in the profession.

WVLDI Board of Directors:

  • Dr. Douglas G. Aspros
  • Dr. Karen M. Bradley
  • Dr. Rachel Cezar
  • Dr. Eleanor Green
  • Ms. Julie Kumble
  • Dr. Stacy Pritt
  • Dr. Valerie Ragan
  • Dr. Donald F. Smith
  • Ms. Cassandra Tansey
  • Dr. Beth Sabin
  • Dr. Lori Teller

Guest Panelist

•      Dr. Karen Padgett 

Meet & Greet Reception

Monday, July 28th

3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

AVMA Welcome Center, Colorado Convention Center

AVMA attendees including newly graduated veterinarians and veterinary students are invited to the WVLDI “Meet & Greet” reception at the AVMA Welcome Center to exchange ideas, learn more about WVLDI, and future programming. This event will include complimentary snacks and refreshments courtesy of Ceva Animal Health.

Also during the convention, the WVDLI board will convene its first strategic planning session to help determine the future activities of the organization.

The WVLDI has quickly grown in one year’s time. The organization recently announced the formation of student chapters at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University and Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. All student chapters have been officially sanctioned by their respective universities. Four additional veterinary schools are working on forming chapters by the fall 2014 semester. Prior program presentations have been held at the AVMA Leadership Conference and the SAVMA Conference.

WVLDI provides a platform to facilitate and encourage women to more fully participate in veterinary leadership roles, not only in organized veterinary medicine, but also in corporate, government, private practice, and academic positions. The WVLDI is supported by an educational grant and in-kind support from the American Veterinary Medical Association and industry support from its inaugural sponsor Ceva Animal Health.

About WVLDI: Created in July 2013 and formalized as a 501c3 in January 2014, the WVLDI is a grassroots volunteer initiative that has rapidly gained momentum. The WVLDI vision is to achieve leadership excellence in every sector of veterinary medicine that fully reflects the diversity of the profession and society. The WVLDI mission is to support women in seeking and achieving leadership, policy, and decision-making positions within all areas of professional veterinary activity. Visit www.womenveterinarians.org, follow WVLDI on Facebook and Twitter.

About Ceva Animal Health: Ceva Animal Health’s key companion animal products include the Vectra® line of parasiticides, Adaptil® and Feliway® pheromone behavior aids, and Altresyn® (altrenogest) for equine reproduction. The company’s North American headquarters is in Lenexa, Kansas. Visit www.ceva.us.

About Ceva: Ceva Santé Animale is a global veterinary health company focused on the research, development, production and marketing of pharmaceutical products and vaccines for pets, livestock, swine and poultry. Its headquarters is in Libourne, France. Visit www.ceva.com.

Karen Bradley
Lea-Ann Germinder, APR Fellow PRSA



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