What happened in Vegas, lives on at Goodnewsfopets.com

The official rebirth of Goodnewforpets took place at BlogPaws May 8, but thankfully that old adage, What Happens in Vegas, Stays In Vegas” doesn’t apply, as the celebration lives on here.  The celebration of our new site design, content and advertising/sponsorship opportunities began with a packed booth on Thursday May 8 and Friday May 9 as we met with bloggers, veterinarians, companies, and even George Dare of D.A.R.E. fame  interested in what the new site had to offer.  Our very first columnist Steve Dale posed for photos and as co-editor, signed copies of the ACVB Decoding Your Dog book to be given away.

We also featured new content about the Ceva Animal Health sponsored Why Wait for the Bite? campaign in addition to Steve Dale hosting a sponsored session.  The chance to win an Elena Kreigner necklace was a big hit and I had great fun judging for Pawject Runway to support shelters.  Dex is my hero now and I can’t wait to write more about him and his shelter choice.

Now we offer another chance to win an Elena Kreigner necklace by registering at the site by June 1, 2014.  You can also register to receive our free news updates at the same time.  And, watch for more contests with the ACVB Decoding Your Dog book.

This week we celebrate National Dog Bite Week with the announcement from the AVMA and a special column from Ilana Reisner, DVM, PhD, DACVB, one of the authors of the “Aggression Unleashed: Do Dogs Mean to Be Mean?“ chapter of the ACVB Decoding Your Dog book.

The Women’s Veterinary Leadership Development Initiative (WVLDI) continues to grow with the launch of student chapters.  There is also a special interview with student representative Cassandra Tansey.  I am looking forward to all the WVLDI events at the AVMA conference in Denver.

The content for Why Wait for the Bite? is especially comprehensive on the site. The information about the dog owner survey will be of interest. The content also contains video interviews with Dr. Byron Blagburn in addition to the online interview with him.  Thank you to everyone who has participated in these sessions and watch for more of these videos to appear in the coming months now that the site has launched.

Finally, we have news that the KC Animal Health Corridor’s plans for their Homecoming Dinner are set for August 25th.  Ron Brakke is the Iron Paw recipient, a well deserved honor.  The dinner is always packed, expect it to be more so for someone who has contributed sixty years of service to the industry.  Here’s the link to register now.

I am already looking forward to BlogPaws 2015 in Nashville. In the meantime, I look forward to connecting with the goodnewsforpets community and our affiliated friends and partners.  Please let me know what you think of the new site, if you have some new idea to share or if we have something to offer you.  Viva Las Vegas on Goodnewsforpets.  It’s a good place to be.






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