Elizabeth Hodgkins D.V.M, Esq.
First and foremost, every pet owner needs to understand there is a serious health risk when you fail to protect your dog from parasites. There are a number of even conscientious dog owners who fail to understand this. For example, nobody in their right mind likes fleas. However, very few pet owners truly understand the severe health risks of just a single bite.
Most pet owners understand that they do not want their dogs to be bitten by a parasite and suffer from the sting of a bite or the damage to the skin. But, it’s far more than a cosmetic concern or compassion for their beloved pet. They really need to understand that any bite may pose a health risk, sometimes severe, sometimes even fatal, to their dogs.
It’s imperative to understand the importance of parasite protection in the area where you live. There are vast differences. This particularly holds true for ticks. There are certain areas where the tick population is not only prolific but more prone to carrying the bacteria for significant diseases. A good example is the Northeast where Lyme disease is endemic. The estimates vary but studies show anywhere from 25-50% of ticks in certain areas of the Northeast are heavily infected with the bacteria that results in Lyme disease.
It stands to reason that a wooded area in Connecticut puts any dog at risk of developing Lyme disease if the pet owner fails to take proper precautions and administer preventative medication. While ticks may be a little bit less of a threat in other parts of the country, pet owners still need to be aware of the dangers and the steps needed to keep their dogs safe.
Mosquitoes also are prevalent, and infect our dogs with heartworm disease. Heartworm disease has been found in all 50 states.
It’s extremely important to use medications year-round to protect your dog.