Reducing Pet Exposure to Parasites


In addition to using the appropriate topical parasite preventative product on your pet, what else can pet parents do to protect their pets from parasite bites?


  • Practice good hygiene such as washing your hands after handling your pet.
  • Keep your home free of parasites. If necessary, call an exterminator to rid the home of fleas. There’s even a possibility of a tick infestation since there is one variety of tick that lives indoors.
  • Use a vacuum beater bar on your rugs and furniture to displace and suck up fleas if necessary. Dispose of the bag properly.


  • Ticks and their primary hosts – mice, chipmunks, and small animals – need moisture, a place away from direct sunlight, and a place to hide. The cleaner you keep the area around the house, the less likely your pet will get bitten by a tick.
  • Keep the grass cut low where the dog runs. Ticks need to climb up on vegetation that is 10 to 12 inches off the ground.
  • Keep your dog away from those areas with shrubs and trees.
  • Use plantings that do not attract deer in tick-prone areas.
  • Keep standing water off your property. Items like old tires and barrels become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • Screen outdoor kennels.
  • Keep your dog in at night when mosquitoes are more likely to feed.
  • Cover outdoor sandboxes.
  • Pick up any pet feces immediately and wash your hands after doing so.
  • Talk to your veterinarian about any other steps that you may need to take to ensure that your dog remains safe in its environment.

The Why Wait for the Bite campaign content is sponsored by Ceva Animal Health, makers of Vectra 3D®.


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