Winn Feline Foundation Announces Bike Fundraiser for Cat Health

Wyckoff, NJ, October 5, 2015:

Dr. Glenn Olah, President of Winn Feline Foundation, is combining his love of cats with his love of bicycling to build funding for feline research. Winn’s new fundraising club, Winn Riders for Feline Health, will be inaugurated with a 316 mile sojourn on October 29th and 30th.

Glenn’s kick-off ride will begin in Taos, NM and after traversing two mountain ranges and multiple steep ascents and descents, will end in Denver, CO at the Rocky Mountain Cat Club (RoMo) “Spooktacular” cat show held at the Crown Plaza International Airport Hotel. Skylar Clifton, manager of the Rocky Mountain Cat Club, anticipates almost 200 entries and approximately 1000 visitors daily to the event. Dr. Olah will also give a presentation at the show October 31, 12 p.m. CT, about feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a lethal disease primarily affecting young cats.

An avid cyclist, Dr. Olah commutes to work 20 miles a day via bike and rides about 200 miles per week. The idea for this campaign came to life when he decided to combine his two passions; namely cats and bikes. Multiple events will be organized in the next few months and Winn Riders for Feline Health is now inviting new cyclists and cat lovers to join. Members can order a Winn-designed bike kit, jersey, or sport shirt by downloading the Winn Riders’ flyer and contacting during the time window from October 20th to November 9th. Take advantage of the opportunity to show your support for feline health research and the Winn Feline Foundation as you participate in local cycling events.

Dr. Olah said, “With this biking campaign, I hope we can raise more funds to tackle some of the most pressing diseases in cats like feline infectious peritonitis, chronic kidney disease, and various cancers.  I’m quite excited to take on this challenge and will do everything I can to make it succeed in raising awareness of Winn and the need for funding high-quality feline health research”.

“If anybody wants to join me in all or part of some of the upcoming biking events, then I would love to have the company on the road. My wife and I have turned one of our cars into a Winn Riders support vehicle, so I won’t be completely alone,” he chuckled.

Donations to help fund feline health studies and to support Winn Riders for Feline Health can be made at

Whether you are a bicycle enthusiast or a feline health advocate, or like Glenn – both, you can follow Dr. Olah’s progress during the ride at or starting one week before the event.




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