For me it all began before Christmas on December 9th, 2003, at one of Manhattan’s truly fabulous restaurants, the Blue…
Search Results: cat writers (385)
The only person I ever met or interviewed who wrote about dogs as a professional and didn’t own one or…
I only know of one instance where heartworm disease actually did some good for a dog and a person. The…
Before sitting down to work each morning, I always stand in front of the glass door that separates my small…
Growing up in Philadelphia with no money or contacts was an inauspicious start for a kid with a desire to…
A. Ranny Green joined Goodnewsforpets in 2014, well after he had “retired” and during a relaunch of the site. He…
“I am thrilled to be joining,” said Green, “and hope to bring fresh content and story ideas to the site. I love writing about the heart and soul of what the human-animal bond represents in the personal lives of pet owners of all ages and in all corridors of this country and hope to bring that to this site in future features.”
Today is the day we pay tribute to Ranny Green. Today, November 9 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., friends and…
“Don’t ever give up on your dream, research your subject thoroughly and be totally prepared for every interview. Never compromise your integrity between the time you conduct your interview until your story is published. Triple-check everything for accuracy. Your credibility is on the line each time a story appears under your byline.” — Ranny Green
2024 Muse Medallion & Special Award Winners Congratulations to all the 2024 CWA Muse Medallion and Special Award winners! Sassafras…